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Advocate for Metis truth. #SangMele Acadian Mi'kmaw/Mom of 4/NannyJeri to 3 #ADHD #Metis #EasternMetis #ND #EcoFarming #WomenFarmers #SmallFarms

Jun 13, 2021, 7 tweets

The Kevin review. Kevin, Mont .October 14, 1926, cover pg1.

The Kevin review. Kevin, Mont.October 14, 1926, Image 5 - Louis Riel - himself one of the Metis and in whose mind had been conceived- a plan for a half-breed republic.

The Kevin review. Kevin, Mont. October 14, 1926, pg5 -A group of Metis Rebel Leaders - reproduction of an old etching which appeared in an issue of the Gain Growers Guide. - Gabriel Dumont.png

The Kevin review. Kevin, Mont. October 14, 1926, Image 5 - Louis Riel - That Riel shrewdly avoided demands of a political character and deferred his project for a half-breed republic.

The Kevin review. Kevin, Mont. October 14, 1926, cover pg5 - Riel and His Purpose - I don't know why I joined Riel's force of rebels.

The Kevin review. Kevin, Mont.October 14, 1926, Image 5-Louis Riel-he was the type of man to appeal to semi-savage people. He was always talking about his project-the formation of a republic which would be dominated by the Indians and half-breeds of western Canada. "That the

Indians of all North America would settle in the republic and he would weld them into a nation."

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