Steve Milloy Profile picture
'Perhaps the most influential climate science contrarian' (Nature). Trump EPA transition. Biostat. Atty. Fund mgr. FOX News contrib. Founder,

Jun 13, 2021, 6 tweets

G-7 agrees to stop financing coal in poor countries... even though the the US, Germany, Japan still burn coal and aren't stopping any time soon.

Pointlessly condemning the poor to life without electricity and poverty.


G-7 Communique ending international financing for coal plants and condemning the poor to no electricity.

Poor countries will now get to choose between no electricity or mortgaging their sovereignty to Communist China's Belt and Road Initiative..…

G-7 commits to zero emissions technologies... but NOT to ending Communist China's dominance in production of the necessary raw materials.

Communique says G-7 will only 'consider' the issue of dependence on Communist China.…

Ridiculous G-7 2030 Nature Compact wants to go beyond 'net zero' to 'nature positive' - whatever that is.…

Of course, the most positive thing for nature is more CO2.

NASA satellite data show CO2 & slight warming greens the Earth.…

G-7 2030 Nature Compact opposes international development finance that 'harms nature.'…

Implementation of that would stop development and condemn poor nations to perpetual poverty.

G-7 2030 Nature Compact endorses '30 by 30' initiative to put 30% of the planet off limits to development.…

Global government land and water grab.

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