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“The more the state "plans" the more difficult planning becomes for the individual.” - Hayek

Jun 13, 2021, 8 tweets

G7 summit in a nutshell (thread):

World elite class show up in private jets, while having destroyed their own countries aviation industries for regular workers and travellers.

They ‘socially distance’ for photo op, continuing to compel their citizens to do so via public health law, while hugging and getting up close & personal at after party.

They continue to impose mask mandates, while not wearing them themselves. Their ‘help’, of course, masked.

They discuss how they can ‘build back’ the economy that they destroyed, while the citizens they are supposed to serve are on lockdown, unable to make a livelihood.

They virtue signal about the environment, while millions of useless masks they forced onto citizens are now polluting the oceans and harming wildlife.

They claim there is a climate emergency, so we all need to stop eating meat, flying, gathering, and should stick to Zoom to reduce emissions, while they meet in person via private jet and have a big slab of meat BBQ on the beach.

They fly across the world unrestricted, while citizens who travel are severely impeded to do so, and must follow invasive testing multiple times, two-week long quarantine, preferably in an ludicrously expensive detention center-called-hotel.

They create the rules, as part of a protected ruling class, while we, the ruled, follow them, and wait for our rulers to grant us the same rights and privileges as they.

Am I missing anything?

Oh, how could I forget? They did all of this to advance social justice and equality.

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