“The more the state "plans" the more difficult planning becomes for the individual.” - Hayek
3 subscribers
Dec 9, 2022 • 6 tweets • 6 min read
What if there were colossal ideas, events and facts that were purposefully misrepresented or even hidden from the public that could have completely changed the world as we now know it? And what would happen when those truths came to light? #Fauci
.@PhilWMagness is the Director of Research & Education at @aier. He was actually the person who had done the FOIA request on the #Fauci emails, the same emails that Fauci is now being questioned about in court.
Aug 26, 2022 • 7 tweets • 3 min read
Trudeau’s Canadian medical professionals are now pressuring the mentally or physically ill, disabled, infirm and elderly to kill themselves by euthanasia (MAID) because of their “burden on the healthcare system”.
From 2021: this is SO important to understand what is going on now!
Boris Johnson's cabinet mass exodus.
Dutch farmers protest green laws + Gates involved in corruption deal.
EU silently signals natural gas/nuclear 'green'.
Georgia guidestones destroyed.
This is not a coincidence. Shit is hitting the fan. Video to follow soon, working on it.
Jun 27, 2022 • 6 tweets • 1 min read
“My body, my choice” and the cognitive dissonance experienced by those who preach it *only when it is convenient for them*, means they can pretend there isn’t a human body whose choice it is not to cease to exist.
There is a significant overlap with proponents and lockdowners/vax mandaters. They have changed their slogan to “no bans on my body”, because they lost all credibility in last two+ years, since “my body, my choice” was not for the people whose choices and bodies weren’t theirs.
Dec 5, 2021 • 4 tweets • 3 min read
“The only freedoms they care about giving us are the ones you can exercise in a cell... numbers are easier to manage when they don’t have their own liberty...”
-Harry Wade, expelled from university engineering program for taking a principled stand.
“When you become a number — and we don’t have to look that far back to find out what happens when we treated people as numbers — I think we’re already there, and that’s the tragedy.” 2/3
Oct 17, 2021 • 4 tweets • 3 min read
“Some individuals will still be unable or unwilling to maintain self-isolation. The Public Health Act 1994 addresses this situation in Section 45(1)1 which provides authority for the MHO to issue an order for such individuals be detained to isolate for the required period....”
The @cpso asks @celliottability for permission to ignore patient complaints about MISSED CANCER SURGERIES (non-essential!) or ‘high-ranking physicians’, yet they have time to intimidate & SILENCE physicians who serve the public by upholding their oaths. ▶️
What can we do? Hold them accountable!!!
CPSO social media policy draft: policyconsult.cpso.on.ca/?page_id=13475 1. Read 2. Online Survey 3. Provide Feedback 4. Copy & Paste Feedback to CPSO: feedback@cpso.on.ca 5. ***send email cc: informedconsentcanada@protonmail.com***
Jul 10, 2021 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
I’m shaking my head at the circus in Ontario, where the scientific ‘experts’ rule the medical omertà while valiant physicians are bullied and silenced.
The CPSO, Ontario’s regulatory board for doctors, has created a draft for a new draconian social media policy, a further attempt to censor doctors and punish them for speaking about what they do not consider ‘generally accepted views’.
Jun 19, 2021 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
New video coming Sunday: ‘G7 Our Rulers Unleashed’ on @aier YT channel.
World elite class show up in private jets, while having destroyed their own countries aviation industries for regular workers and travellers.
They ‘socially distance’ for photo op, continuing to compel their citizens to do so via public health law, while hugging and getting up close & personal at after party.
They continue to impose mask mandates, while not wearing them themselves. Their ‘help’, of course, masked.
Mar 28, 2021 • 11 tweets • 4 min read
1/ MONTREAL, Canada, March 25, 21 — A newborn baby was taken away from her parents against their wishes, put in isolation for ten days, in what the hospital claims is an effort to stop the spread of the coronavirus. Previously, both the parents & the child had tested positive...
This is becoming the NORM — mothers, newborns and families being abused and experimented on against their consent in the era of Covid. They have completely lost their minds.
I fought tooth & nail for this doctor’s note, for expectant parents & newborns to protect themselves.
Mar 12, 2021 • 14 tweets • 4 min read
“Just over a year ago the Liberal Justice Minister shelved Bill C-7 which would allow individuals to opt for a medically assisted suicide. Now it seems, the liberals have dusted it off again & are stretching the Bill to include those with mental illness.” newstbt.com/post/liberal-b…
What could possibly go wrong?
Why now? What is the urgency?
Mar 8, 2021 • 25 tweets • 6 min read
Something to share with your family & friends, recopied from my reported and censored Facebook post:
1/ “While I risk being burned at the stake, I would like to present a different side of the Covid debate here, which I know many have their suspicions, or silently agree.”
2/ “I do not want my children to grow up in a world without smiles. If we keep listening to every irrational government whim, thinking following the rules will get us out of things, when this whole year has showed us that the more we comply, the longer it lasts, we are deluded.”
Feb 16, 2021 • 15 tweets • 9 min read
1/ Via a whistleblower about institutionalized abuses going on in a gold mine right now under the direction of Northern Vancouver Public Health.
These people need help, RIGHT NOW.
Please share this with anyone you think can help fight this. @JCCFCanada #HumanRightsViolations2/ “I work at Pretivm Resouces, a gold mine in north western BC. It is an isolated work camp consisting of 3 different camps.
We have 23 positive cases of covid which has caused madness in our camps.
Northern Health has been informed and is setting the rules.”
Feb 16, 2021 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
“Alabama was compelled... by the Office for Civil Rights to abandon its crisis management policy of “denying ventilator services to individuals based on the presence of intellectual disabilities, including ‘profound mental retardation’ and ‘moderate to severe dementia.” forbes.com/sites/gusalexi…
Feb 15, 2021 • 14 tweets • 6 min read
1/ Implementing masking policies in neonatal care settings directly impedes the attachment bonding process and neurological development in newborns, as detailed in this document: ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/P…2/ “Mask wearing by caregivers can potentially influence the baby’s neurodevelopment due to the effect on the normal attachment and bonding that takes place in the early days of life between a baby and their parents (Sullivan et al., 2011; Green et al., 2020).”
Feb 14, 2021 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
“The word mandatory kind of sets people off... because you envisage someone being held down and forcibly injected against their will,” she says. “What we mean, in our paper, is that there would be consequences for somebody who chose not to be vaccinated.” canadianlawyermag.com/practice-areas…
“Although a mandate that health care workers must be vaccinated, or else stay home without pay, could be the subject of a Charter challenge, governments should be able to successfully defend such a challenge,” the authors conclude.
Feb 8, 2021 • 9 tweets • 2 min read
1/ “The human inclination toward conformity aids hysteria spread.
Indeed, groupthink helps to explain the phenomenon of mass hysteria.
Mass hysteria can be considered to be a form of groupthink.”
2/ “Due to group pressure and groupthink, hysteria feeds itself, as no alternatives are shown to people.
The information necessary to address the problem cannot be generated in a decentralized way in the market, which is a problem inherent in socialism.”
After going around the merry-go round asking for scientifically-based evidence for C19 protocols around labour/newborns, this is the woke garbage that is cited for why labouring women need wear masks, and why newborns get nasal swabs: pcmch.on.ca/wp-content/upl…
Feb 5, 2021 • 10 tweets • 3 min read
1/ Here’s some articles of ammo for parents concerning Covid insanity.
Click, read, send, email & call your teachers, principles, school-boards, MPP, etc.
If we don't stand up for our children, no one else will.
2/ Can the Elastic of Surgical Face Masks Stimulate Ear Protrusion in Children? pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32556449/
Feb 2, 2021 • 5 tweets • 5 min read
1/ The Provincial Panel For Maternal & Child Health admits that there is confusion surrounding the Ontario Ministry of Health’s @celliottability guidelines, citing “wide differences in maternal and newborn care practices”. pcmch.on.ca/wp-content/upl…2/ Will the Minister @celliottability make a clear statement about these stressful confusions, including the lack of a clear mask policy for labouring women causing immense physical, emotional and psychological harm, both to mother and newborn?