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Primary source documentarian. Work in Oscar, Emmy & Golden Globe winning films. Editor-in-chief @n2sreports. Video available to license

Jun 13, 2021, 6 tweets

THREAD: Protesters clashed with the ESMAD (Mobile Anti-Disturbance Squadron) last night at the Portal Americas transportation hub in Bogota, Colombia.

The night began peacefully protesters used stick and rocks as officers used tear gas.

Video by @MaranieRae for @N2Sreports

In an unusual gesture, some of the Colombian activists set fire to an Israeli flag.

The protests focus on domestic economic policy and began six weeks ago in response to a planned tax hike targeting the working class.

An armored water cannon vehicle was used against the Colombian protesters, which remained largely impenetrable to stones and fireworks.

Protesters used barricades and fires as cover against the police.

After the armored hose vehicle tried to put out a fire with water, it actually bulldozed straight into it, pushing the fire itself directly back toward the protesters.

Activists formed a shield line and attempted to approach the riot officers, but were quickly repelled by a barrage of tear gas, water hose, and officers approaching on foot.

At least one officer could be seen taking a protester's shield after it was dropped during the exchange.

Here is the full 4K resolution video summary of last night's clashes in Bogota, Colombia, filmed by @MaranieRae for @N2Sreports.

As always, contact me for licensing.

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