Nick Abraham Profile picture
SaaS + Agency Growth | Growing, & a couple others | 185+ Active Clients & 5,000+ Users

Jun 14, 2021, 12 tweets

I used to do around 1.5 million monthly zaps to automate hundred of routine processes within my agency using @zapier

Here are 10 important Zapier workflows that you should build to help automate your agency

Account Manager FAQ

- account managers that forward all client questions to me is a pain so I created a database where we store all questions and answers that they can refer to before asking me questions using this zap

Reminders For Routine Tasks For VAs

- our bi weekly reports are sent by our virtual assistants and just to make sure they don't forget, I set up a bot that messages them to remind them

Daily Update Bot

- simple KPI's that clients can see that update the on the progress that is being made daily

(clients love communication)

Demo Set Bot

- every time a demo is set within our agency it updates our #comms chat on slack and adds them into the pipeline so we can track leads properly

Onboarding Form Has Been Submitted

- our form catches and set's off a ton of different zaps that would take a million screenshots so instead I'll link @bricewoodard thread that is very similar to what we do


Charge Client For Appointment Set

- we do a pay per appointment model for our lead gen agency and used to send an invoice at the end of the month to collect the months worth of appointments but now we have a zap that charges them immediately when an appointment is booked

Omni Channel Lead Generation

- this is where 70% of all my zap costs came from because we had to set this up for every client

- It basically connect Mailshake to expandi to automate connection request to prospects that didn't open up our outbound emails

Discovery Call Recordings

- love having all our discovery call recording being sent into our slack channel so our team can review and give feedback immediately

Client Management

- when a client finishes that onboarding form, it will take all their information and add them to our client management section within Notion so we can make sure that everything is being taken care of

Money Bot

- this is so our team gets notified immediately when the prospect pays

Comment below any other Zapier workflows that you're using to run your agency - would love to see how you're running things 😀

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