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Jun 14, 2021, 8 tweets

THREAD: Naftali Bennett is now Israel’s Prime Minister

That means one thing: the deadly status quo of Israeli apartheid will continue, even without Benjamin Netanyahu at the helm.

While the face of Israel is different, both Benjamin Netanyahu and Bennett agree on entrenching Israeli apartheid.

Think of the change from Netanyahu to Bennett as Ted Cruz replacing Donald Trump.

Bennett is a far-right religious nationalist who once led the Israeli settler movement, is opposed to a Palestinian state but supports unilateral Israeli annexation and once boasted, “I’ve killed lots of Arabs in my life, and there’s no problem with that.”

Bennett became Israel’s prime minister with the help of Israeli politician Yair Lapid, who supports permanent occupation of the Jordan Valley and permanent Israeli control over all of Jerusalem.

Israel’s other new ministers are also apartheid supporters:

Ayelet Shaked, who in 2014 quoted on Facebook an article that referred to Palestinian children as “little snakes” and called for genocide, will serve as interior minister.

Gideon Sa’ar, who supports official Israeli annexation of the occupied West Bank, will serve as justice minister.

Bennett & Sa’ar reportedly assured settler leaders that there will be no freeze in settlement building on Palestinian land, and the coalition is committed to “significantly advance construction in Jerusalem,” including occupied East Jerusalem.

Netanyahu may be gone. But for Palestinians, Israeli apartheid remains.

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