Gontijo Profile picture
Brazilian designer | Follower of Jesus Christ | Tabletop RPG Author

Jun 14, 2021, 12 tweets

I've just unlaunched my Patreon page for good. To celebrate the good time I spent with it I'll share the public domain images I curated and trimmed with you all, for free! Each folder has at least 30 images. Check out below and have fun creating new zines.

This is a thread.

And that's it! If you still want more public domain images, tho...

Here, take my flickr collections and my artvee boards:



Have fun ;)

PS.: If you want to thank me somehow beyond words...

I'm gonna layout Somninauts #ttrpg and we're on our last hours of KS Campaign. We need only U$160 to fund it! Please, help us make this dream come true and back the project right now!


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