Tiernan Coyle ☘️ Profile picture
Forensic Scientist,Dad, husband,supporter @LFC #YNWA #JFT97. @casualsgirlsFC @DidcotCasualsFC u15 girls coach #BeBraveBeSmartBeHumble

Jun 15, 2021, 19 tweets

starting to work my way through #DanielMorgan report, will post as I go through but likely without comment at this stage. Remember some #forensic work dates back to 1987 and should be judged accordingly. /1

clothing and fibres #DanielMorgan /2

the shaded box represents comments from the panel in relation the #forensic work, they hired an independent expert to advise them. #DanielMorgan

searching only for the source of the red fibres in 1987 #DanielMorgan #forensic


in response to the coroner, on the lack of #forensic evidence #DanielMorgan /6

red viscose and now blue wool, on an axe #DanielMorgan #forensic /7

more fibres on the axe #DanielMorgan #forensic hmmmmmmmmmmmm 🤐 for now /8

😲🤐 matching fibres?????? #DanielMorgan #forensic

reading through #DanielMorgan I'm getting flashbacks /PTSD of trawling through records of (or more precisely lack of) exhibits in the #StephenLawrence case, same police stations cropping up in same time frame /10

👀👀#DanielMorgan #forensic /11

blood had been missed, sounds familliar #DanielMorgan #forensic /12

more work in 2003 #forensic #DanielMorgan


yes indeed, the fibres are the key here (as always 😉) #forensic #DanielMorgan /15

2006 further #forensic work #DanielMorgan /16

a LOT of detailed further examinations by many scientists followed from private forensic companies including LGC Forensics and Cellmark in the period upto at least 2015. BUT NO FIBRE WORK DONE and no further evidence #justsaying #DanielMorgan #forensic /17

that's it re #forensic science elements within the #DanielMorgan report a lot to think about for many reasons. I will consider a bit more and tweet my views later on this thread. For more UK forensic content follow @ForensicFibres and subscribe to youtube.com/channel/UC0vEW… /18

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