J Malone. Profile picture
Advocate for Metis truth. #SangMele Acadian Mi'kmaw/Mom of 4/NannyJeri to 3 #ADHD #Metis #EasternMetis #ND #EcoFarming #WomenFarmers #SmallFarms

Jun 15, 2021, 36 tweets

@globeandmail Real nice censoring me on facebook , you don't like the truth being out there ? No matter, I will send it here instead ..

Not an anonymous report, how you going to shut me down now ?

@globeandmail How many posts is over your limit , I think I only sent like 4 or 5 .. no matter, I will get the truth out there ..

For anyone who is interested in the truth ..

Grey Owl is Darryl Leroux - this is when he first uploaded the report . Anyone who knows who Grey Owl is will get how funny he was trying to be.

When he realized after screenshots were posted that he forgot to remove the metadata .. Might as well claim it Darryl ..

The file mysteriously goes missing after he realizes that metadata was all over that report.

He edits the file, re-uploads it and now the metadata says Collective Anonymous, man he is getting his ass out of that sling !! @globeandmail Then all his PHD buddies come and support him, the white professor who is leading the charge on who can claim their Indigenous Identity.

I have 4 Peace and Friendship signatories in my family. What I do not have, nor does any of my family is a status Indian card. None of my family was that interested in handing their families over to the British after dealing with deportation and all the atrocities that with that.

Canada is not who I get my identity from, it is from my family, my family who were alive in my time. Not long long ago like they try to distort and project. Kinda weird this cutting off of citizens of nations, who might lack some documentation etc etc .. After us all mourning

over children, who were undocumented and unregistered in residential schools. But they have citizens trying to find their way back, trying to re-claim their roots that were destroyed by Canada's colonial policies and now we are telling them that they are fake Indians because

they do not have that coveted Indian card from the feds. There are many many many reasons why that could be, most of them found in Canada's policies in the Indian Act itself. That does not make those people fake or false in anyway. I know several of the people who signed that

list in support of the work Darryl Leroux does, just recently gained acceptance from their own nations. How quickly they forget once they join the ranks of the chosen.

So is this the real problem? Because if it comes down to BQ , what is going to happen in the years and we get more and more mixed? I am just gonna go out on a limb here and say, betting those who are recongized then say culture .. well what about those mixed people , Darryl

wants to self identify for as white? Are you telling me, he knows all these people personally and knows their worldviews, oral histories, family stories? He knows how they came about to having the identity they do? I highly highly doubt that .. He has been doing this for years,

with his loyal gang of twitter followers, harassing and doxing Indigenous women they think are not Indigenous enough. Who made Darryl Leroux identity police?

This man and his followers, doxed my 11 yr old disabled son. Using lies and distortions that I can prove to be false allegations against us. Weirdly enough, not even the privacy commission of canada will answer me on that. When I approached his followers who were making nasty

ugly comments about us, I got called a C**t. and lots of other nasty names. Look closely at veldon and then look at what he is saying about unrecognized Indigenous people. It doesn't get much grosser than that. They are using census data to determine if people can re-claim their

Indigenous heritage. PAGE 10, APRIL 18, 1986, WINDSPEAKER - apparently Canada was not counting non status its in census of 1981.

Canada usually has the Census worded so it gets the results it wants. For instance on this 2021 census, they really really only wanted Metis who lived on settlements or who were registered with an organization they recognized such as MNC to say yes on the census , I wish i had

saved a screenshot, if you never clicked the little button that told you more information and at the very bottom , it says , only choose no if you DO NOT have Indigenous First Nation ancestors. if you did not read that, I am betting there are now many unrecgnized Metis people who

didn't know how to check the correct box, just how Canada wants it. Shown by the 1708 census which records both Mi'kmaq & metis settlements at Mirligueche-26 August 1726-A Case Study in Mi'kmaq-New EnglandRelations in the Early 18th Century - Bill Wicken. My family. d'Azit Mius'

Darryl saying mathew mius is not mi'kmaq.- He is one of my uncles, he is also a Mi'kmaw signatory for the ratified 1725/26 Peace and Friendship Treaty. This is him trying to erase me and my family.

This survey showed the Indian side of the family and the side that was Identifed as French, even though they were both full brothers . Mathieu Mius on the Mi'kmaw side.

mikmaqhistorymonth.ca - ratified 1725 treaty - 1726

Nova Scotia Archives - Mathieu Mius - Mikmak of Cape Sable .

"1708 census of Acadia - Mathieu Mius Mi'kmaw ( French Part Indian) - living there at the same time as Joseph his brother" "1708 census for Joseph Mius - French Part Indian identified as French on census"

Veldon, playing identity politics, pretending he doesn't know Darryl is the anonymous author. How cute.

Ahh , the original document that baby that had Darryl Leroux's name all over it , I have the original document that is not scrubbed if anyone wants a copy of it .

Interesting no one is caring to find out who the author of that report is, just so very interesed in letting the white male professor speak for them .. dangerous territory i think precendents have been set before that ...

My family is from Cape Sable. They lived with the Cape Sable Mi'kmaw and intermarried with and supported them through the years and wars. He had the audacity to say we invented suffering after my families deportations and being sent to Massachusetts.

Cape Sable Indians - Savannah morning news. June 30, 1884, Image 3 -sn82015137 1884-06-30 1 3 image 681x648 from 1839x8172 to 3103x9376. Does that sound like invented stories to you? Ughh could he be any grosser.

"Indigenous Policy Journal- ENGLISH GENOCIDE IN NOVA SCOTIA- Janet Hudgins, February 25, 2018 - ethnic cleansing- starving-abducted and trafficked children- scalped Acadians and Mi'kmaq" Stories?? 🥺😡

museeacadien.org-Attempted genocide of the Acadian and Mi’kmaq Nations-Daniel Paul-2005. Apparently even when we carry the same blood memories, we are just supposed to get over it? Hey self identified white man Darryl Leroux, No you do not get to tell me my family & histories.

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