Darrell Owens Profile picture
Data Analyst. Housing and Transit wonk. My tweets and retweets do not represent the opinions of my employer.

Jun 15, 2021, 11 tweets

Here Comes The Big Boss!

Tonight at Berkeley City Council we're mobilizing to get council to support SB 9, two-family housing only in single-family zones. It'll be early in the meeting. NIMBYs will show--will you?

Tonight at 6 PM
Zoom: us02web.zoom.us/j/87908681987
Key args below

1: Research from UC Berkeley's Urban Displacement Project has compiled virtually all major peer-reviewed housing studies and revealed that building all-income housing ranks as the #1 strategy to combat displacement. Including their own research.

2: Micro survey data from the 5-year Census reveals sampled residents who live in duplexes, even recently built ones, in the Oakland-Berkeley area earn a household income significantly less than single-family renters and homeowners (h/t @UrbFuturistDem ; github.com/UrbFutDem/IBTP…)

3: SB 9 is endorsed by the Nonprofit Housing Association of Northern California, the statewide consortium of all low income housing developers in the Bay Area who actually build affordable housing. Listen to Affordable Housing developers about doing their job.

4: SB 9 is opposed by exclusionary rich suburbs in CA. Additionally, SB 9 was approved by the Senate and every single no vote was from a Republican. Our neighbor Oakland has endorsed SB 9.
Does Berkeley stand with Low Income builders and Oakland or Beverly Hills and the GOP?

5: Under SB 9, duplexes cannot be built in places where:
- High firezones (Section 1, Line 2)
- Tenants occupying a single-family home (Section 1, Line 3-C)
- Within 3 years after a tenant vacates
This would be a massive expansion in protection statewide

6: Berkeley and Oakland is abolishing exclusionary zoning for four-family housing but cant do it alone. SB 9 ensures at the very least that other municipalities allow two-family housing on lots.

7 (last): Single family zoning was invented in Berkeley with the purpose of keeping out renters and POC. Today, it correlates heavily with white and rich areas. Berkeley received national recognition to declaring its end and has a responsibility to lead the way on its abolition.

You'll only have 1 minute so make it good and pick one or two to focus on. Especially speak up and note on record then you live multifamily housing, that 51% of Berkeley is zoned for duplexes or higher, and if you have housing struggles now or past *please* state them to council.

This is was a two family home under construction in Berkeley looks like. Why in the world would we oppose this and mandate it only for one family instead?

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