J Malone. Profile picture
Advocate for Metis truth. #SangMele Acadian Mi'kmaw/Mom of 4/NannyJeri to 3 #ADHD #Metis #EasternMetis #ND #EcoFarming #WomenFarmers #SmallFarms

Jun 15, 2021, 7 tweets

Umm coming from her? This is the lady who says Metis do not exist in the East when her father proudly identified as one !! Windspeaker-8-may-1994 frank palmater - Metis Circle wraps up hearings - Eastern Metis.

432 rcap - Frank Palmater - aboriginal ancestry = acceptance from whose community.

rcap 432 - Frank Palmater - I am a Metis. I always have been and I always will be, that is self-identification.

rcap 432 - Frank Palmater - Frank says he is a Metis Micmac.

432 rcap - Frank Palmater - Metis from the Maritimes.

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