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Jun 16, 2021, 8 tweets

Here's the (very brief) email that led to that late Jan. 3 call discussed in earlier stories between a senior DOJ official and the US Attorney for the Northern District of Georgia:

Less than 10 hours later, BJay Pak, the US Attorney in question, had submitted his resignation.

After Cc'ing the senior DOJ official, Richard Donoghue, on his goodbye email to his office, which did not directly reference any of the shenanigans going on, Donoghue replied that Pak was a "class act."

These and much more, detailed earlier today by others, in the House Oversight release of documents today. Large PDF here:…

A week earlier, Donoghue, the acting deputy AG at the time, sent another late Sunday night email. This one, forewarning of "antics," was sent to then-OLC head Steven Engel.

By New Year's Eve, Donoghue and Engel were ... not partying. Acting AG Jeffrey Rosen and his chief of staff when he was DAG, Patrick Hovakimian, were not either.

As was reported previously, this all came to a head on Jan. 3, when another DOJ official, Jeffrey Bossert Clark, said Trump was going to be making him the acting AG and top DOJ officials went to the WH to fight out for control of DOJ. We get the emails of that evening.

But now, this is where this all comes together. Look at that:
* At 9:47p, Donoghue tells DOJ senior staff to call in at 10p.
* At 10:09p, Donoghue tells Pak to call him ASAP.

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