Samir Beharić Profile picture
PhD Candidate @uni_bamberg_of | Research Officer @TheBalkanForum | PEYR Member @eucoeyouth | EU - WB, Migration, Human Rights

Jun 16, 2021, 8 tweets

I asked @MiroslavLajcak why should the #WesternBalkan leaders trust the EU promises, taking into account the EU failed to deliver visa liberalisation to #Kosovo and accession talks with #NorthMacedonia.

His reply was abhorrent: "If you don't trust the EU, go somewhere else." 1/

Lajčak continued by saying: "It's trendy to criticise the EU about the visa liberlisation, but #Kosovo leaders should go to those countries blocking the freedom to travel and ask how to comply."

However, all the required benchmarks for visa lib have been delivered by Kosovo! 2/

.@Bujar_O, Foreign Affairs Minister of #NorthMacedonia spoke eloquently about the erosion of EU credibility in the #WesternBalkans:

"We keep hearing 'If you deliver, we will deliver', and we changed both our country's name and the constitution, but the EU hasn't delivered." 3/

Osmani rightfully stressed that "EU delivering on its promise to continue the EU accession talks with #NorthMacedonia will be the political litmus test for the EU credibility in the #WesternBalkans." 4/


.@MiroslavLajcak reacted by stressing that the EU delivering on its promises in the #WesternBalkans is not important only for this region:

"This is also important for the EU proving to its allies such as the USA that it can be a credible transatlantic cooperation partner." 5/

Coming back to @MiroslavLajcak's remark "If you don't trust the EU, go somewhere else", I'm affraid it will not age well.

In fact, some countries in the region are already doing that.

In Serbia, there are no billboard signs reading "Thank you Von der Leyen." 6/6


This is the actual exchange between me and @MiroslavLajcak, incl. his full reply:

"If you don't trust [the EU], go somewhere else, if you have a better option. EU is never begging anyone to join. It is the strategic choice of you to join the EU, let me be clear about that." 1/2

Lajčak continued by saying:

"I get slightly annoyed when I see that the EU has not delivered on its promisses. This is not about delivering... These questions are simply related to the guarantees that the visa free regime will not be misused for illegal work, overstay..." 2/2

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