Tomi T Ahonen Moved to Post, Spoutible & Mastodon Profile picture
Author, consultant, motivational speaker. Biggest social media slut in mobile. A mAd vidiot, F1 fan, globetrotting digital gypsy 007 wannabe. The T Dawg

Jun 16, 2021, 26 tweets

Trump Criminal Cases Thread 1/

There have been significant developments in 2 of the 3 main paths to take Trump to prison for life. Let's do an update to to understand upcoming developments to people working for Trump, about to flip on him, this summer. We have updated timelines

Trump Crimes Thread 2/

There are about 20 investigations into Trump, criminal or civil. These three are CERTAIN to get Trump in prison for life

Allen Weisselberg = NY taxes, and other crimes
Rudy Giuliani = Ukraine extortion, and other crimes
Matt Gaetz (teen rape) -> Jan 6

Trump Crimes Thread 3/

There have been developments in 2 of the 3 cases, in Weisselberg and Gaetz. I will do full update of all 3, but the stuff of Giuliani case has nothing new in this thread, I will put that last

The FASTEST path to get Trump in Prison is Weisselberg

Trump Crimes Thread 4/

Who is Allen Weisselberg? He is Trump's accountant of 40 years, worked with Trump's dad scumbag slumlord Fred Trump. Has cooked books for Trump for DECADES of financial crimes. He knows where all financial crime bodies are buried BEFORE Trump became POTUS

Trump Crimes Thread 5/

Weisselberg criminal lawsuits are direct result of Mueller investigation. Mueller handed off crimes to other jurisdictions, incl New York. NY issued subpoena for Trump financial records incl taxes, and Trump took it to SCOTUS (lost, twice).

Trump Crimes Thread 6/

Weisselberg faces at least 5 criminal investigations. The Manhattan DA case is NEAREST to trial. It is in Grand Jury stage, and we just found out Allen Weisselberg is the TARGET now (that GJ will target several more Trumpomobsters in coming months)

Trump Crimes Thread 6/

Michael Cohen had flipped
Weisselberg's number 2 guy, Trump Controller has testified (received limited immunity)
Allen's former daughter-in-law has spoken to prosecutors 6x & gave her tax returns (=Allen's son)
Grand Jury has seen Allen's OWN tax returns

Trump Crimes Thread 7/

This game is over. Weisselberg had wanted a Presidential pardon, did not get it. His NEXT CRIMES in the other 4 cases are FAR WORSE than the tax crimes he committed, and unless Allen cooperates, he will spend the rest of his life in prison.

Trump Crimes Thread 8/

TIMING impact:

Weisselberg flips or is arrested within a few days/weeks. If arrested, he will then flip at some point heading to his trial, this year. His arrest or plea agreement comes this summer.

This is FASTER TIMING than my previous forecast

Trump Crimes Thread 9/

The Manhattan DA case, after Allen Weisselberg flips & confesses to Trump tax crimes, will lead to indictments of Eric, Don Jr, Ivanka & Trump.

THIS GRAND JURY will issue MORE INDICTMENTS after Allen. I cannot say in what ORDER. But Trump goes to prison

Trump Crimes Thread 10/

1st trial of Weisselberg is Manhattan DA, NY Taxes
2nd is NY AG and money laundering
3rd is federal in NY (SDNY) sanctions busting (Putin)
4th is Inaugration financial fraud (Mueller)
5th is POTUS period fraud (DC hotel)


Trump Crimes Thread 11/

Second let's go to the Gaetz of Hell. Matt's case is not about Trump at all. Matt is a teen rapist

But Gaetz flipping will get us FASTER to those who planned Jan 6 insurrection. That is because Roger Stone & Jared are involved in AFTERMATH (not the rape)

Trump Crimes Thread 12/

Statutory Gaetz is going to prison for at least a decade, possibly several. His rapist partner Greenberg has flipped & handed a ton of evidence to the feds including a signed confession. Gaetz is beyond fried. This crime carries MANDATORY MINIMUM 10 years

Trump Crimes Thread 13/

In Florida, Gaetz cannot ask his pal Gov Death Santis to pardon Gaetz, because this is a FEDERAL crime. Matt begged Trump for a Presidential pardon (didn't get one). Gaetz wanted to resign from Congress and go join OAN maganews network, who rejected him.

Trump Crimes Thread 14/

Gaetz's teen rape trial relates to Trump because Roger Stone and Jared were involved in a bribes-for-Pardon scheme. Roger Stone received a Presidential pardon - but this is a NEW crime, for which that pardon does not help.

Roger is PETRIFIED of prison

Trump Crimes Thread 15/

Roger Stone is being investigated because of Greenberg's flip. When Matt Gaetz flips, Roger Stone is fried

The Feds HATE it, that a serial CRIMINAL they caught, and processed successfully to CONVICTION, was let loose through a Presidential pardon

Trump Crimes Thread 16/

Like with Weisselberg, when Roger Stone flips on Trump, he has to confess ALL HIS CRIMES

So as Roger Stone was involved in planning January 6, he will end up shortening the trials to bring Erik Prince, Gen Flynn, Don Jr, Giuliani etc to trial, re Jan 6

Trump Crimes Thread 17/

The NORMAL criminal prosecution of Jan 6, is a MAFIA trial: start from bottom, boss goes last. About 500 have been caught. Their trials (bottom) start FEBRUARY 2022.

The next LAYER is Proud Boys, Oath Keepers etc, trials start from LATE 2022

Trump Crimes Thread 18/

Under NORMAL conditions, the THIRD layer (planning layer) would only come AFTER the second layer is processed. So the trials of Planners of Jan 6, could start around mid-late 2023. Roger Stone flip on Matt Gaetz case gets THIS THIRD STAGE happening faster

Trump Crimes Thread 19/

TIMING on Gaetz flip. We now know Greenberg sentencing is scheduled for after the middle of August. This is rough time-table for Serial Gaetz to come to his senses and cut a plea deal.

If not, he'll be arrested late Aug, early Sept

Trump Crimes Thread 20/

Last of these 3 cases is America's most crimey criminal, the notorious serial butt-dialer & alleged attorney Rudy Giuliani.

Rudy Colludy went on a wanton PUBLIC crime spree rampage, including confessions to TV camera, believing he'd be pardoned by Trump.

Trump Crimes Thread 21/

The FIRST of Giuliani's catalog of crimes is Ukraine extortion. His rogue foreign policy against the USA. He was paid by Putin Oligarch Firtash, jetted around with Lev Parnas who documenteed all of the crimes, flipped & handed an ocean of evidence to FBI

Trump Crimes Thread 21/

Rudy's office & home were raided by the FBI. That evidence is now being reviewed by a Special Master (removes any that is protected by client-attorney privilege). This takes a few weeks (like Michael Cohen office raid in 2018). Then Rudy is arrested

Trump Crimes Thread 22/

It is CERTAIN Giuliani will be arrested (or surrenders). The timing is several weeks out, but next SIGN is that the Special Master finishes review of evidence. THAT marks the moment Rudy's arrest becomes 'imminent' ie days left. Rudy arrested THIS SUMMER

Trump Crimes Thread 23/

It is CERTAIN that Trump will be arrested, convicted, imprisoned.

In these 3 cases, our target is flipping THIS SUMMER. The junior person ALREADY flipped

Weisselberg, Gaetz & Giuliani trials start THIS YEAR

They ALL will flip on Trump

Have patience


I have now added a Thread discussing the path forward relating to Weisselberg 5 criminal trials. This is ANALYSIS of the future scenarios. It ASSUMES Allen has flipped. You may find this interesting

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