Rich Weinstein Profile picture
Obamacare's Digital Menace, Samizdat, Sen. Angus King’s hit list (Twitterfiles 16)

Jun 16, 2021, 9 tweets

Friendly reminder that it was Fauci saying COVID was something we didn't "need to worry about."

Government health agency official: Coronavirus 'isn't something the American public need to worry about'…

Friendly reminder that is was Fauci who put the brakes on the idea COVID could spread asymptomatically.…

Friendly reminder it was Fauci who said we'd never do lockdowns.

Friendly reminder it was Fauci who was talking about the US "aggressive response."

Friendly reminder it was Fauci who said catching COVID was "miniscule" and that people should not wear masks.

Friendly reminder it was Fauci who said it was ok to keep going malls and movies and the gym and that they ..."had a plan."

Friendly reminder it was Fauci who said the vaccine would not be ready for a year to a year and a half.

Friendly reminder it was Fauci who said, sure, go on a cruise chip.

Friendly reminder that after all the above from Fauci, it was Fauci who threw the Admin under the bus for not shutting things down faster.


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