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Jun 16, 2021, 9 tweets

Overnight ‘Messiah’ Sonu Sood came under the radar for black marketing of COVID-specific drug. While the matter is under investigation (by Hon'ble BOM HC), we have some other behind-the-curtain findings.

This is going to be Three parts long thread.
(co-researcher @vinod1703)

PR1. SM star Sood’s Twitter followership jumped by whooping 84times in May’20 (7K to 622K), by now he has 7.9Mn, adding 1.2Mn in just May’21 month i.e. avg 41K per day which is, for a perspective, almost double than that of NaMo, RaGa, BigB & Virat's numbers.

In a couple of months his stardom mushroomed, Sood drifted in oblivion of a larger-than-life Messiah image, 'leveling' himself to the national institution, backed up by his political friends, a section of media, and Bollywood.


But obviously, something doesn't add up with numbers. On further investigation, we found that 90-95% of his newly add-up followers are ‘just-created' (new) handlers. We performed this experiment several times & captured one of the live demonstrations (check video).

PR2. Very peculiar pattern of the handlers Sood picks to respond in Messiah style- most of them are either recently created or have become active after 1 to 11 yrs of gap, all tweets related to Sonu, "request calls" found so ‘scripted' specifically on which Sood replies.

PR3. Worth to note that Sonu Sood, closely associated with restauranter Neeti Goel in many of his ‘flagship programs’, is business partnering with BotBakery, a digital marketing co. specialized in social media 'solutions' for business growth.


Book release to political tadka, when Sonu's PR team is busy in making Messiah image, BOM HC whipped him in contrast for the same reason, he was 'appealing' ppl not to. (pic)

But hang on, this is just a starter.

The main course is– (B) Money🐝Bee [funding]

To be cont..


Part-2 Money🐝Bee
Sood's series of crowdfunding campaigns: legal or illegal !?. 👇

Part-3 Karobaar 💰
Sood's series of new ventures, other business trail and siders! 👇

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