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Jun 16, 2021, 20 tweets

Weisselberg Path Thread 1/

So Allen Weisselberg is about to flip on Trump. Manhattan DA has Grand Jury out to indict Allen, and they have enough to bury the old man, AND take his sons to prison too. He's about to flip. Let me show you our paths BEYOND Weisselberg, from his flip

Weisselberg Path 2/


For this thread, I am assuming Allen Weisselberg HAS FLIPPED on Trump (happens this year, likely now this summer). This thead shows path BEYOND that moment. If you say 'Allen won't flip' in response, I will block you

Weisselberg Path 3/

If you want to explore Allen Weisselberg's CURRENT Legal jeopardy, and why I am convinced he will flip, that is in THIS THREAD: Go there if you need more.

Weisselberg Path 4/

I am an analyst. I'll give you my analysis. What comes AFTER Allen Weisselberg has flipped, because Allen will flip this year, likely this summer. We should prepare for what comes next. Don't complain that there's no evidence in this thread. This is ANALYSIS

Weisselberg Path 5/

As I explained, Allen is in 5 Trump CRIMINAL cases:

1 Tax fraud (Manhattan DA)
2 Money laundering (NY AG)
3 Sanctions busting (Federal SDNY)
4 2016 campaign finance (Federal, Mueller)
5 More recent fraud while POTUS (DC Hotel etc)

He has to confess to ALL

Weisselberg Path 6/

Manhattan DA case is FASTEST way to get Trump to prison (he faces over 20 criminal and civil cases). This case came from Mueller, involves Trump tax returns, that he feared so much, he took it to SCOTUS (twice, unanimous decision against Trump both times)

Weisselberg Path 7/

NY tax fraud is from before 2016. It has NO impact to POLITICAL Trumpomobsters, like Bill Barr, Pompeo etc. This is Trump's past life of crime.

But NY tax fraud will net us the Trump Hitler Jugend kids, Ivanka, Beavis & Butthead; plus Jared.

Weisselberg Path 8/

The Manhattan DA case on taxes, will force Trump kids to turn on each other & on their dad. One of them will be 'smartest' who will grab the first plea deal, rat out the siblings, and get a shorter sentence. My bet is Ivanka but could be any of these bastards

Weisselberg Path 9/

Like with any plea deal, that Hitler Jugend kid will have to confess to ALL crimes, not just this tax crime. And have to TESTIFY against the others. And will not get a deal with 'no time'. That kid will STILL go to prison, for years. But gets BEST deal

Weisselberg Path 10/

Once we have one of Trump kids ratting out daddy, plus Weisselberg flip on Trump, plus Michael Cohen flip on Trump, plus all the tax returns etc evidence, the Trump tax trial will be short and sweet. He will be convicted with a decade of prison time

Weisselberg Path 11/

But before that trial, we get Weisselberg in his OTHER convictions. He has to plead guilty on ALL these trials, confess to all his crimes. Let's see these paths.

SECOND criminal case is New York Attorney General and Money Laundering

Weisselberg Path 12/

Money laundering with Trump goes back to his bankrupted casinos in New Jersey. He was laundering money for Mafia. Weisselberg knows all these details. Wouldn't it be funny if Chris Christie had some crooked deal in prosecuting Trump back then? (or Giuliani)

Weisselberg Path 13/

The RECENT money laundering (we are still on 2nd criminal case, NY AG) is Russian money, various Putin oligarchs. Here we may well get some shady characters caught (again) like General Flynn & Manafort. There HAS to be a counterpart whose money is laundered

Weisselberg Path 14/

THIRD criminal case is Sanctions Busting: federal crimes (SDNY)

This is life in prison, crimes against the USA

This is what Weisselberg feared, and begged Trump for a Presidential pardon. Was reportedly Trump's toughest decision to turn down.

Weisselberg Path 15/

So sanctions were about Putin invading and occupying Crimea. Trump as civilian back then, went onto Fox (#FixFox) to argue that Russian sanctions should be ended !!! Anyway, Trump had helped Putin circumvent those sanctions

...This is Deutsche Bank records

Weisselberg Path 16/

You remember Deutsche Bank connection to SCOTUS? Yes, Justice Kennedy sudden retirement. His son was corrupt banker at DB who handled Trump's loans!

As part of SDNY case about sanctions busting MIGHT get to Kennedy mystery too (Did Trump sell SCOTUS seat?)

Weisselberg Path 17/

The FOURTH Trump criminal case involving Weisselberg is 2016 campaign finance crimes (= Mueller). Federal. Is now being investigated. Mueller promised us, he preserved all evidence. One part of this is 'Individual One' and Michael Cohen/Stormy Daniels case

Weisselberg Path 18/

FIFTH Trump crime is emoluments, financial crimes DURING Trump Presidency, starting with DC hotel. This brings Ivanka, some Trump White House people etc involved.

Weisselberg Path 19/

After Trump's first criminal conviction (NY Taxes/Manhattan DA) he pays dozens of millions if not hundreds of millions of back taxes (his buildings seized) AND goes to prison, for a decade or more.

He becomes CONVICTED FELON & fraud. THAT changes everything

Weisselberg Path 20/

That Thing on top of Trump's head will be shaved. Trump will be BUSSED from one criminal trial to the next, wearing an orange jumpsuit in his court appearances

It becomes FAR EASIER to convince a jury of his OTHER crimes, after he is convicted on the first

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