Dr Duncan Robertson Profile picture
Policy & Strategy Analytics academic at Loughborough University; Fellow, St Catherine's College, Oxford. Member, @IndependentSage.

Jun 17, 2021, 8 tweets

On Cornwall cases and the G7. A short thread.

Cases have risen significantly.

The epicentres of these cases appear to be linked to G7 activity (h/t @_johnbye)

Now, there will be both a lot more activity and a lot more testing due to the G7.

Setting up the venue causes activity and mixing which can spread Covid. Many people will have come from outside Cornwall to help with G7.

Cases started increasing before the G7 main event.

And Cornwall cases are rising much faster than in neighbouring Devon (cases tend to be rising around the country).

However, we have been told that the G7 was 'Covid secure'

Even though *events* may (or may not be) 'Covid secure' (whatever that means), ancilliary activity (travel to/from events, socialising before/after events) may not be.

The G7 has acted as an informal 'pilot event'.

How cases grow *after* the event will be interesting.

p.s. 1 - bbc.co.uk/news/uk-englan… - appears to indicate cases due to ancilliary activities *related to* G7
p.s. 2 - Half term. Neighbouring Devon would also attract half term holidaymakers. Hence the comparison above which shows a much smaller (though significant) increase

And, regardless of the mechanism of *how* cases have been imported into Cornwall, Devon & Cornwall have have the *lowest* cumulative case rates in England.

Cornwall has a *very high* % of people who have not been exposed to the virus.

This is a problem.


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