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I cover right-wing extremism for @RawStory. Reach me at DM for Signal digits. Proudly blue check-free since 2009.

Jun 17, 2021, 5 tweets

THREAD: 1/5 Nick Fuentes, who marched at Unite the Right in Charlottesville & rallied Trump supporters outside the Capitol on Jan. 6, is so freaked about Juneteenth becoming a national holiday that he's straight-up attacking Holocaust remembrance & defending Nazism. #JuneTeenth

2/5 For Nick Fuentes, commemorating the end of slavery, just like recognizing the genocide of indigenous people & acknowledging the Holocaust of Jews, is all a prelude to "white genocide" — a ridiculous and false belief without foundation in reality.

3/5 Speaking of the Holocaust, Nick Fuentes suggests talking about it at all amounts to a conspiracy against white people. The murder of 6 million Jews during WW2? "Who cares?"

4/5 In his eagerness to erase the memory of the Holocaust, Nick Fuentes launches into a defense of Nazism. "Are we gonna get into the tenets of national socialism? Of course not." But...

5/5 Strangely, immediately after defending Nazism, Fuentes complains that Trump, his hero, gets compared to Hitler. But the similarities! "Here's a guy that thought that maybe democracy was problematic..."

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