Scott MacFarlane Profile picture
CBS News Congressional Correspondent -- Syracuse Univ Alum -- 90's R&B superfan

Jun 18, 2021, 9 tweets

!!! ALERT - Court orders release of body camera video in the case of Thomas Webster, the retired New York police officer accused of attacking DC police on frontlines on January 6.

(Warning - language)

This was what DC police faced on Jan 6

It's DC police bodycamera video

Per court documents, this is another angle of the attack

When FBI questioned Webster, they pressed him on whether he had any affiliation with Proud Boys, 3%-ers, OathKeepers. He said no. They pressed him on whether he used encrypted apps or knew anyone in Congress..... he said no Per court docs

Webster was a NYPD officer from 1999-2011, including service as a uniformed officer at City Hall. He was also a Marine (feds say the flag he was swinging was a Marine Corps flag)

Webster is arguing for his release from jail til trial. His lengthy motion includes this passage:

"It was only after tear gas & pepper spray were deployed by police upon this group of peaceful protestors that the crowd changed"

And... in his motion for release from jail... Webster criticizes the officer for "'mocking several protestors" and for reaching over the barricade


And Webster accuses the officer of using "provocative hand gestures"

His attorney says Webster had never attended a political rally and "possesses no strong political beliefs"

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