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Sam Coates, Deputy Political Editor, Sky News 📺📰🎙️ Tips and stories from Whitehall and the campaign HQs: use secure email

Jun 18, 2021, 7 tweets

Why the Tories should be worried by the Chesham and Amersham by-election

6 key lessons…

Takeaway 1

Westminster conventional logic - that the Tories would win - wrong *again*

Takeaway 2 - The Lib Dems live!

Takeaway 3 - Dreadful Labour result but they won’t worry about it too much

Takeaway 4 - Defining who is the “incumbent” is key

Takeaway 5 - Uncomfortable conversations about the PM ignoring traditional Tory heartlands - aka the Blue Wall - start here

Takeaway 6 - this is a much clearer indication of anti Tory tactical voting than we got in the May local elections

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