Alan MacLeod Profile picture
Senior Staff Writer/Podcast Producer, @MintPressNews. I mostly tweet about US/Mid East & Lat Am. politics, but complaining about corporate media is my passion.

Jun 18, 2021, 7 tweets

[Thread] The Washington Post presents itself as an adversarial newspaper.

But it consistently defends the interests of the wealthy and powerful (including its owner Jeff Bezos).

My new @MintPressNews piece:…

The Post's editorial board has consistently taken strongly conservative, elitist positions on virtually every major issue, including some of these all-time hot takes:

Unsurprisingly, the newspaper owned by the world's richest man has consistently opposed taxing the rich. I'm sure that's just a coincidence though.

And while the Post has rhetorically opposed Trump, much of the upper echelons of its management team are Neocons. Its CEO was head of the Reagan White House.

The Post's editorial board has consistently opposed virtually every piece of pro-people legislation proposed in the last decade.

They also have gone above and beyond in attacking Bernie Sanders and his campaign, at one point running 16 negative Sanders stories in just 16 hours.…

In 2016, the Post became the first media outlet in history to call for the prosecution of its own source (after they won a Pulitzer Prize off the back of his info).

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