Alan MacLeod Profile picture
Senior Staff Writer/Podcast Producer, @MintPressNews. I mostly tweet about US/Mid East & Lat Am. politics, but complaining about corporate media is my passion.
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Sep 17 5 tweets 2 min read
The three richest guys on the planet are all CIA/Pentagon contractors. Serving the empire is a lucrative endeavor.…
Image E.M. owes his success and fortune to Mike Griffin, the head of the CIA's investment division, who took him under his wing and gave SpaceX massive government contracts, keeping his business empire afloat.…
Aug 7 15 tweets 8 min read
[Thread] There is an orchestrated media war being carried out against Venezuela🇻🇪.

Its goal is regime change, and it is being led by liberal outlets like the Guardian.

In this thread, I'll dissect their tactics, so you can understand how they pass propaganda off as reporting. Image What is the "evidence" of electoral fraud the Guardian presents?

Oh, it is an "analysis" carried out by the opposition itself, as well as hearsay from sympatheirc academics.

Let's not inform readers that the opposition has pulled this trick in every election since 2000 (except the ones they won), where they cry fraud, and have never presented any credible evidence whatsoever.

Let's also not inform readers that there were actually nine opposition candidates running against Maduro, and that only Gonzalez refused to say he would accept the results.Image
Aug 5 4 tweets 2 min read
Palestine: They are genociding us.

Israel: Yes, we are genociding them.

The West: This is such a complex, nuanced problem. It is anti-semitic to jump to any conclusions. Image Israel has many powerful backers in corporate media.

Among them is Rueprt Murdoch, the billionaire press baron.

My investigation found a network of links between Murdoch and the Israeli national security state.

Find out just what they are here:…
Aug 1 14 tweets 9 min read
[Thread] Western media's finest propagandists are pulling out all the stops, trying to delegitimize the elections in Venezuela 🇻🇪.

In this thread, I'll dissect their tactics, line by line, using this BBC article as an example, so you can understand how they do it. Image First sentence in, and they have already poisoned the well, directly asserting that Nicolas Maduro "controls" the election, and that the whole process is "carefully curated."

Second: They breathlessly repeat opposition claims of fraud, without informing readers that the opposition has claimed they have won literally every single election since 2000, have produced zero evidence for this, and have, every time, been proven to be lying.

Not telling readers this is a crime against journalism and tantamount to incitement.Image
Jul 29 18 tweets 7 min read
[Thread] There is a coup d'etat attempt underway here in Venezuela 🇻🇪, fueled by tons of fake news.

In this thread, I'll debunk some of the most egregious and viral fake stories circulating.

Add your own in the replies. A viral video claims that leftist thieves are stealing ballot boxes.

In reality, these are aircon units.

Ballot boxes are small brown cardboard boxes, barely larger than a shoebox.

These giant appliances bear no resemblance to ballot boxes.

Jul 27 11 tweets 4 min read
I ran into the amazing @RaniaKhalek, who told me that the United States is trying to destroy the Venezuelan government, and is already crying fraud in the upcoming elections. 🇻🇪 "There is no comparison" between US and Venezuelan elections, @GloriaLaRiva, former presidential candidate for the @pslnational told me.

In Venezuela fraud is "not possible", while in the US, the Dems and Republicans are fighting to keep 3rd parties off the ballot.
Jul 26 7 tweets 2 min read
[thread] Happening now: with just days to go until elections in Venezuela, I am at the final chavista rally in Caracas, reporting for @MintPressNews. This is what a socialist rally looks like in Venezuela 🇻🇪
Feb 29 4 tweets 2 min read
The IDF just committed one of the worst massacres in modern history. But if you rely on US media, you wouldn't even know that from their headlines.

New investigation from me:

Alexey Navalny's death in a Russian prison dominated headlines for days. But US media barely covered the death of a US journalist in a Ukrainian prison last month.

Read more about its selective outrage here:…
Nov 9, 2023 11 tweets 4 min read
[Thread] Across the world, activists have been organizing demonstrations at major train stations calling for an end to Israeli 🇮🇱 violence in Gaza 🇵🇸.

1) Across London 🇬🇧, activists have shut down many stations, including Liverpool St. ⤵️

2) Hundreds of activists gather in Toronto 🇨🇦 to demand an immediate ceasefire.

Oct 28, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
[Thread] For the third weekend in a row, cities across Europe 🇪🇺 have seen massive demonstrations in solidarity with Palestine 🇵🇸

1) London: A wall of humanity marches through the city center. Some estimates say 500,000 people are there.

2) Hundreds of thousands of people in Istanbul 🇹🇷 create an ocean of red at their Great Palestine Rally.

Oct 24, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Incredible scenes as @Lowkey0nline owns @PiersMorgan so hard that they end the interview early.

Lowkey tells Piers his previous guests, Israeli Ambassador Mark Regev and CIA chief David Petraeus "deserve to be in The Hague and tried for war crimes."

"This badge was given to me by an employee of this building who said they were told they could not wear it because it was the Palestinian flag. You talk about 'uncensored'. This is censored!" - @Lowkey0nline
Oct 22, 2023 11 tweets 3 min read
[Thread] As the Israeli attacks intensify, Europe has seen a massive, unprecedented wave of protests this weekend condemning the violence and showing solidarity with Palestine.

1) France 🇫🇷: Thousands of Parisians defy President Macron's ban to protest.
2) Absolutely massive demonstration in London 🇬🇧 on Saturday saw over 100,000 people march to Downing Street, demanding their government stop supporting Israeli war crimes.

Oct 17, 2023 8 tweets 3 min read
[Video Thread] In response to the Israeli attack on the Al-Ahli Baptist Hospital in Gaza earlier today, huge, spontaneous demonstrations have broken out across the Middle East tonight.

Let's go through them:

1) In Iran 🇮🇷, crowds have gathered in Palestine Square. 2) In Jordan 🇯🇴, protestors have surrounded the Israeli Embassy and set it on fire.

Oct 16, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Breaking: Israeli strike destroys a United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) depot in central Gaza, incinerating what few crucial supplies the densely populated strip had left.

Another shocking war crime to add to the pile. More footage of the wreckage:

Oct 16, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
[Thread] Massive pro-Palestine demonstrations took place across Europe this weekend, even as governments across the continent rushed to have public opposition to Israel's attack banned.

1) Thousands march in Madrid 🇪🇸

A giant demo fills Dam Square in Amsterdam 🇳🇱

Oct 15, 2023 10 tweets 3 min read
Colombia is considering breaking relations with Israel. “We don’t support genocides” says President Gustavo Petro.

This strikes a nerve because, for decades, Israel played a central role in facilitating a genocide against the Colombian people.

[Thread] Far-right, government-linked Colombian paramilitaries are thought to have killed tens of thousands of people, and forced millions more from their homes.

The most notorious of these groups was the AUC, whose leader, Carlos Castaño, went to Israel to be trained in terror tactics
Oct 15, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
[Thread] Massive pro-Palestine demonstrations across the United States.

The media isn't giving them enough attention, so here is a roundup:

1) Chicago: 15,000 protestors shut down the streets.

New York City: Over ten thousand people attend a Palestine solidarity march.

Oct 14, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
[Thread] Gigantic demonstrations across Britain in support of Palestine today.

1) London

Gigantic crowds march through central Liverpool today:

Oct 7, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
[Thread] Huge demonstrations in solidarity with Palestine are happening right now across the Muslim world

1. Istanbul, Turkey. 🇹🇷🇵🇸 Absolutely extraordinary scenes from Sana'a, Yemen 🇾🇪 today:
Feb 21, 2023 14 tweets 6 min read
When they do it vs. when we do it. ImageImage When they do it vs. when we do it. ImageImage
Feb 15, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read

An investigation into the 20 most influential US news outlets found that virtually all of them have completely ignored a star journalist’s bombshell report claiming the Biden admin blew up the Nord Stream pipeline.

Read my newest investigation:… 1 week ago, Seymour Hersh published a report claiming US Navy divers placed explosive charges on the Baltic gas pipeline, engaging in what the Biden admin admitted was "an act of war" against Germany- one of the USA's closest allies.…