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Jun 19, 2021, 8 tweets

It feels like someone should let folks know: Marxism is a theory that divisions in a capitalist society will inevitably lead to the collapse of the class structure. Communism is the achievement of Marxism via revolution. And critical race theory has nothing to do with either one.

I post this in the face of the latest idiot branding exercise on the right, performed to exquisite stupidity by usual suspects @tedcruz (R-Cancun) and @marcorubio (R-Twitter Bible Verse) in which they smugly pretend to know what CRT is by defining it as Marxism in another name.

They’re doing that, because
A) whoever provided them with the idiot branding knows that the word MARXISM works on the amygdalas of everyday conservatives
B) they know everyday conservatives have know idea what Marxism is, or how irrelevant it is. They just know it’s bad.

But here’s the problem: if critical race theory is merely replacing class in a “society without class divisions” (Marxism) with race — meaning “a society without racial divisions” — then I don’t think that analogy is doing the work they think it is…

Are Cruz and Rubio genuinely railing AGAINST having a society where there are no racial divisions i.e., in health, wealth and opportunity? Are they putting themselves in the service of people who say WE MUST KEEP OUR RACIAL STRATA!! Because babies? that’s white supremacy. Oops…

Maybe y’all should choose a different fake analogy for this apparently terrifying graduate level / law school theoretical school of thought that’s not being taught in a single K-12 school? Or maybe just have the balls to come at the #1619Project and antiracist eduction by name…

Your analogies are telling on you, wingers.

Critical Race Theory is a class you can take in law school. That’s it. That’s the scary thing. Grow up, right wingers.

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