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Here to promote free markets in Zimbabwe.

Jun 19, 2021, 11 tweets


Economic survey by Afrobarometer .. my thoughts

The survey was carried out between April and May. After the Agriculture harvest.

It comes after the WB report that 49% of citizens live under extreme poverty

It’s worth considering what the people themselves are saying.

The 67% of people believe the country is going in the wrong direction.

There is a gapping disparity between what GOZ says & lived reality.

Agriculture contributes 9.3% of GDP. A good harvest impact on our economy is now negligible. GOZ is out of touch with reality.

Does it mean GOZ will change course? Especially after launching its National Development Strategy NDS1?

Despite the rejection of NDS1 by the people, GOZ will not change direction. Because of GOZ paternalistic attitudes. Even in the face of hard facts & evidence.

62% of the rural folk, after a good harvest believed the economy is going in the wrong direction.

It is my belief, the people use 2009-2013, as their base reference. Meaning people know what a good economy is.

Without the GNU period, good economics would be a fairytale

Only 16% of people believed the Economic conditions were fairly positive.

How does one reconcile this, with Prof Mthuli’s surplus? A surplus means all is well.

Will the minister be humble & hear the concerns of the people? Guvamatanga called them shareholders. Are they?

Covid has compounded the already bad economics. 87% of people were vulnerable without regular income.

Zim economy has changed. It’s a consumption economy propelled by diaspora remittances & aid. They provide welfare support not GOZ.

GOZ barely acknowledges diaspora!

The people want Jobs. Yet economic policy does not address this. Imagine taking US$1.4bn from Exporters & handing it over to importers at 30-60% market discount.

Money wasted in consumption & NOT capital investment creating JOBS.

Price stability is a mirage. Propaganda!!

Why are NGO & Pastors trusted?

NGO’s provided direct aid to citizens. US$800m was provided in 2020 by western nations. Welfare support comes from foreigners.

Pastors are trusted because of mass therapy they conduct. People cannot afford individual therapy/hope sessions.


The President never gets proper information. It is often curated and bad news hardly comes without blaming political enemies.

The people to whom the economy is real on a daily basis are suffering & current economic course is not working. It doesn’t address savings.

Savings equal Investment. Only the diaspora & international capital can provide this gap.

Mister President, sir, your cabinet is NOT fit for purpose. Time to reshuffle. Time to connect with the people. Especially Diaspora. They keep the country afloat.


In the next survey I hope remittances will be investigated. How many families receive and how much. How frequent?

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