Karam Bales Profile picture
Counter Disinformation Project, Former NEU and ATL executive, @Unify1Edu Officer, Freelance journalist & researcher @bylinetimes @whowhatwhy Public speaker

Jun 19, 2021, 14 tweets

🧵DfE has released a new contingency framework for dealing with outbreaks and hotspots in education.
The last one was never used.

Link here

2/Whole principle seems that measures to cut transmission occur after the outbreak.

A reactionary rather than proactive approach to infection.
Takes a minimalist approach

3/To prioritise education they want the minimum number of measures for the minimum amount of time.

"Lift as soon as evidence supports"
What evidence? Whose evidence?

The evidence is saying we should already have these measures in place!

4/ So the plan is,

Wait for an outbreak

Introduce minimal measures
(To reassure parents to keep sending their kids in)

Lift as soon as possible

Rinse and repeat

5/ Talk of collaboration, I notice Heads get no input.

6/ Testing could be brought back on site, acknowledging testing done at home is less reliable.
But considering FDA view on these LFDs this is more like covid theatre than a serious measure.

7/ Masks can be brought back but any decision around this must balance education vs transmission.

Ignores the fact that if we don't manage transmission the students won't be in school

8/Shielding could be reintroduced, but only by national government.

9/If things get really bad then they might even limit residential trips..

All these things are currently recommended by DfE as a third wave sweeps through schools

10/ Attendence could be limited, however it specified that certain year groups in certain setting would still be expected in, however this is designed to be used after an outbreak when multiple year groups are already isolating.

I bet this is never used

11/ These measures in the previous containment framework were never used.
Not in December as Alpha ripped through London and South East and threats of court action were made by DfE
Not in Jan before primary staff walked out on the 1st day back

12/ Doesn't feel like a serious attempt at cutting transmission, window dressing they can point to claiming that measures are in place if necessary.

13/ We have been way to complacent about the long term risk to children from covid.
UK seems more concerned about talking about the harms of vaccines

14/ Also Delta can do something other Covid variants haven't.
It takes your cells and fuses them together into larger virus factories, makes it harder for antibodies to tackle

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