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Jun 19, 2021, 7 tweets

“June 19,1865 federal troops arrived in Galveston, TX, 2.5 years after the signing on the Emancipation Proclamation, to inform enslaved people that they were free. As we stand together in the fight for justice, we must embrace our history on this journey towards liberation.”

We are honored to be on the ground in Marshall, TX this morning to take part in their #JuneTeenth2021 parade.
@poweredxpeople @BetoORourke @PxPAmbassadors

“As we stand together in the fight for justice, we must embrace our history on this journey towards liberation.”


Thank you, Marshall, TX for inviting us into your community today.

“As we stand together in the fight for justice, we must embrace our history on this journey towards liberation.”


Thank you, Marshall, TX for inviting us into your community today.

#JuneTeenth is not just a celebration…it’s a time for education.

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