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Jun 20, 2021, 16 tweets

Some China propaganda posters I like, 1960s-1970s.
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“Speed Up Agriculture Using Modern Machinery.” 1971.
The biggest change that socialism brings to China was the comprehensive promotion of women's rights. Women can become workers, drivers, pilots and state leaders.

“Produce More Coal and Support the Socialist Construction.” c. 1970.
Industrialization was the main goal set by the PRC from the beginning of its establishment.

“Never Tire of Training to Destroy The Enemy.” 1970.
At the beginning of the founding of the PRC, there was no air force. Nevertheless, the PLA defeated the US military in Korea War.

“Grow Strongly Under the Broad Sky and Earth.” 1970.
Although China was blockaded by the Soviet Union and the west at that time, it still tried to achieve food self-sufficiency.

“Protect the Forest, Develop the Forestry.” 1970.
Yes, China has always focused on environmental protection and sustainable development.

“Prepare for War, Prepare for Famine, Work for the People.” 1970.
This was China's choice when facing the two powerful enemies of the Soviet Union and the United States.

“Prevent Hepatitis by Washing.” 1970.
China attaches great importance to public health. In 1949, China's life expectancy was 35 years; In 2019, China's life expectancy is 77.3 years.

“Learn Science, Build The Country.” 1970.
It is impossible for China to realize industrialization without investment in education. God can't let the Chinese people have a good life. Science can.

“Learning from Dandong Station, Set a Good Example, Fight Corruption.” 1970.
The construction of clean govt has always been one of the core tasks of the CPC, especially after Xi Jinping became our president.

“Teach the Younger Generation.” 1970.
It seems to have a double meaning. On the one hand, the govt attaches great importance to biotech and food crop breeding; On the one hand, the govt attaches great importance to the cultivation of a new generation of scientific talents.

“Go to the Big Ocean To Exercise.” 1970.
In 1984, China won its first gold medal in the LA. Olympic Games; In 2008, China hosted the Olympic Games for the first time in Beijing.
In 2022, China will host the first Winter Olympic Games.

“Let Philosophy Be Our Strongest Weapon.” 1970.
One of my most respected philosophers is Mao Zedong, especially his On Contradiction and On Practice.

“The Cadre Should Mix With the Workers.” 1970.
The "mass line" is the basic route of the CPC. Relying on the "mass line", the CPC won the civil war and established new China.
It is also relying on the "mass line" that China can quickly control and overcome the covid19 epidemic.

“Celebrate the 9th Congress of the Industrial Union.” 1960.
"People's Congress system" is the core of China-style democracy.

“Enhance the Coastal Defense of the Motherland.” 1962. - My favorite poster!
April 23, 1949, the PLA Navy was established.
On the day of the founding of PLA Navy, there were only 13 people, including 5 cadres and 8 soldiers.
Now, we will own the third domestic aircraft carrier.

“Have the Whole Country in Mind and Have the Whole World in View.” 1970.
Can I call it our first impression of globalization?
Now, China is the largest trading partner of more than 120 countries in the world.

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