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Jul 17 5 tweets 1 min read
"I had surgery and spent 8 days at a Chinese public hospital in a tier-2 city. Want to share my experience to hopefully help other foreigners."

"... I was worried I’d have to wait several months to have it done. He told me I could have the surgery as early as the following week" Image "I decided to choose the shared room over a private room. I ended up sharing the room with one Chinese man. The room was very basic (50rmb per night), but I was fine with it. It had a window, AC, TV and bathroom with western toilet, sink and shower."
Jul 16 10 tweets 3 min read
China's economic data for H1 2024.

1⃣H1 GDP growth was 5%. By quarter, the GDP for the first quarter increased by 5.3 percent year on year and for the second quarter 4.7 percent. The GDP for the second quarter increased by 0.7 percent quarter on quarter. Image 2⃣The total value added of industrial enterprises above the designated size grew by 6.0% year-on-year:
Mining ⬆️2.4%
Manufacturing ⬆️6.5%
Production and supply of electricity, thermal power, gas and water ⬆️6.0%
Equipment manufacturing ⬆️7.8%
High-tech manufacturing ⬆️8.7%. Image
Jul 14 5 tweets 3 min read
During the Vietnam War, Times Magazine had a “Chrismas in Vietnam” special to promote US troops sex tourism around Asia on Dec 22, 1967 The photo in Taiwan exposed how KMT created sex tourism industry catering to GIs. 200,000 GI visited Taiwan frm 1965-1970. Image Vietnam War Era official US military R&R brochure for Taiwan: "Do not purchase the company of a girl for more than 24hrs at a time. they seldom look as good in the morning" Times Magazine "Christmas in Viet Nam" Dec 22, 1967 Image
Jun 29 13 tweets 4 min read
Indian Foreign Policy as Viewed from China

I read a recent article on Indian foreign policy and India-China relations written by a Chinese scholar, Comrade Hu Shisheng.

Sharing some key points here.
(1/X) Image 1. Indian foreign policy has flourished under Modi, but its “adventurism”, “opportunism” and double-dealing have been sources of growing diplomatic tensions.

(2/X) Image
May 22 4 tweets 2 min read
In mainland China, the full text of the draft of any important bill, such as this one on the regulation of the financial sector in Shanghai, must be made available to the public through newspapers.
That's the first step.
Image The NPC's office will issue an announcement to solicit opinions from all citizens. Citizens can submit opinions or suggestions through the website, WeChat, phone call or letter.
That's the second step. Image
May 16 6 tweets 2 min read
In term of real economy, China has surpassed the US back in 2008 - if you don't count all the virtual wealth generated by the financial, insurance, medical industry.

China not only produces more stuff than the US, but the next 7 members combined.
electricity Image
May 16 6 tweets 3 min read
This NYT author, Peng👇, an American of 1/8 Uighur blood who's never been to China is completely ignorant of Uyghur culture, yet instead of attributing this to their family's assimilation as US immigrants, she attributes it to Beijing's alleged cruelty.🤪…
Image In an opinion piece published in The New York Times, the author, Peng, utilized her one-eighth Uighur heritage to portray herself and her family as victims of the so-called "genocide" perpetrated by the Government of China. Image
May 16 9 tweets 2 min read
[MIT Technology Review] How did China come to dominate the world of electric cars?

... ...
[Year 1992] Qian Xuesen wrote to the then Chinese Vice Premier Zou Jiahua to simply bypass ICE cars and start looking at EV. The ball started rolling since then.😭… TL;DR

Early 2000’s the Chinese government recognized that they would never be competitive with ICE and Hybrid tech since others already have a huge lead.
May 7 4 tweets 2 min read
In 1964, France became the first major Western nation to establish diplomatic ties with the People's Republic of China, marking 60 years of relations this year.
(On 19 June 1954, Premier Zhou Enlai and French Prime Minister Pierre Mendès France in Switzerland.) Image Premier Zhou Enlai meets with Edgar Faure (middle), former French Prime Minister and representative of French President Charles de Gaulle in October 1963.👇 Image
Apr 1 4 tweets 2 min read
Her name is Liu Mingqun, a cleaning worker in Beijing's Shijingshan District and also one of the representatives of the National People's Congress (NPC), China's highest authority.
In this year's two sessions, she submitted a motion on "more efficient waste separation".
Her name is Yu Yang, a nurse from a hospital in Qiqihar, Heilongjiang Province and also one of the representatives of the NPC, China's highest authority.
In this year's two sessions, she submitted a motion on "regulating the management of 'Internet+Nursing Services'".
Mar 28 10 tweets 7 min read
The Tibetians under the Dlamas were oppressed others were subjected to having their hands cut off. Some had experienced punishment like this one shown below: Image This led china under mao to liberate tibet in 1951 to free the Tibetians from oppression and incorporate tibet back to china.

Mar 25 19 tweets 7 min read
"If you sanction me, I must take revenge against you and launch corresponding sanctions, otherwise I will be weak."
This is NOT a common perception in Chinese society.
We are "Sure revenge is necessary, but the method may not be reciprocal. How to do it is left to professionals." In the west, the way of revenge is centered on politics, not interests. No one cares whether doing so will bring greater benefits to society or cause greater harm.
In China, we're full of patience and believe that professional officials can handle it better than public sentiment.
Mar 5 16 tweets 6 min read
Today, Chinese Premier Li Qiang delivered the government work report at the Second Session of the Fourteenth National People's Congress.
Are you familiar with Li Qiang? His experiences represent a typical growth trajectory of a senior CPC official.
(1/N) Image Born in July 1959 in a rural area of Wenzhou, Zhejiang Province, Li Qiang came from a humble background.
His father was a clerk, and his mother worked in a butcher shop.
In July 1976, at the age of 17, Li Qiang became a worker in Mayu Town after graduating from high school.
(2/N) Image
Oct 26, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
The backbone of Chinese traditional philosophy is three parts: Confucianism, Taoism and Chinese Buddhism.

There is a popular saying among Chinese people - "Study Confucianism in your youth, Taoism in your middle age, and Buddhism in your old age." Image Confucianism elevates our feeling of life to the realm of morality, Taoism elevates our feeling of life to the realm of integration with heaven and earth, and Buddhism elevates our feeling of life to the realm of liberation from the afflictions of birth and death. Image
Oct 24, 2023 18 tweets 6 min read
China is not afraid of an all-out war with the United States, and some people even hope that the United States will actually carry out a substantive military provocation against China.
Read this thread.👇
(Like most Chinese people, I hate war, but I'm not afraid of war.)
1/X Image China is the only country in the world that can switch its society to full combat readiness within a few days.
China's political system of "one pole to the end" has a very strong ability to recover.

2/X Image
Jul 8, 2023 21 tweets 8 min read
China's current political system, or bureaucracy, is not modeled on the former Soviet Union or the West, but more inherited from the system of ancient China.
So, it is necessary to know some knowledge about the ancient Chinese system.
(1/X) In ancient China, such as the Ming Dynasty, the highest authority in the country was the cabinet.
The Cabinet in ancient China was usually composed of the following officials: the heads of the department of personnel, treasury, rites...
Jun 21, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Maybe the earliest known printed ad comes from China.
Dating from the Song dynasty (960–1278 CE), an ad for needles says "we buy high quality steel rods and make fine quality needles that are ready for use at home in no time."😀 Image Above image is the first known advertising handbill that was printed. It included an early concept of trademark - a white rabbit holding a sewing needle - appropriate for a needle shop. This could be considered as an initial form of branding as well (Chinese History Museum).
Jun 8, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
China Collapses

1990: The Economist. China&s economy has come to a halt.

1996: The Economist. China's economy will face a hard landing

1998: The Economist: China's economy entering a dangerous period of sluggish growth.

... ... Image 1999: Bank of Canada: Likelihood of a hard landing for the Chinese economy

2000: Chicago Tribune: China currency move nails hard landing risk coffin.

2001: Wilbanks Smith & Thomas: A hard landing in China.
Jun 8, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Comparison of prices of vaccines among China, US, European countries and UNICEF Image China's category 1 vaccine prices were lower than for the same vaccines in the US and European countries, but were similar to UNICEF prices.
Jun 7, 2023 12 tweets 5 min read
In 1921, when the 1st National Congress of the CPC was held in Shanghai, the number of party members was 53.
In 2022, when the 20th National Congress of the CPC was held in Beijing, the number of party members was 96.712 million.
So, how can you join the CPC? Is it easy? 🤔
(1/X) Image The process of becoming a CPC party member is actually pretty complex:

1. You need to be a Chinese citizen at least 18 years old.
2. You will need to submit a letter indicating your intent to join the party. There is no fixed format for this. But it should include -

(2/X) Image
May 28, 2023 14 tweets 4 min read
How To Make Roads in China 😎 Image A road in the Gobi Deserts, China 🇨🇳
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Juss give me a GTR🤓🔥🔥🔥 Image