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Defending the sex-based rights of women and girls. You can support our work here https://t.co/wsu1kNEzma

Jun 21, 2021, 10 tweets

Today we've been on @BBCNews calling out the unfairness of allowing male people who identify as women to compete in the female category at the Olympics /1

You can listen to the full BBC interview here /2

Thank you to everyone sending supportive emails. /3

Unfair trans inclusion means women get excluded from their own sport category /4

It's common sense that female sport must be reserved for the female sex /5

Most people agree with us. We've been inundated with support for speaking up today /6

It's not complicated. Female sport exists because female's don't benefit from male puberty /7

Be brave today. Talk about trans inclusion with your friends. See what they think. Most people agree its unfair, they just daren't say it. /8

Testosterone gives male people an insurmountable advantage in weightlifting. Lowering T in adulthood doesn't reverse that advantage /9

If a female had benefited from testosterone before competing she's be banned for doping /10

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