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Defending the sex-based rights of women and girls. You can support our work here https://t.co/wsu1kNEzma
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Jul 16 8 tweets 3 min read
BREAKING: New EHRC guidance relating to ‘women-only’ job adverts.

“A ‘sex-based’ occupational requirement to be a woman under Schedule 9 cannot include transgender women who have not obtained a GRC” /1

equalityhumanrights.com/guidance/guida… We have been calling for this guidance for a long time. We have been reporting rogue employers each time they misuse the law by advertising for ‘self-identifying women’ to fill women-only roles. /2
Jun 9 8 tweets 3 min read
In March the @EHRC promised to publish new guidance to stop employers mis-stating the law on female-only job adverts. We had reported numerous breaches over 2 years /1

telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/03/1… The EHRC also said it would ‘enforce’ the law and would take ‘urgent action’ when problems are reported. We reported ‘Survivors Network’ who said ‘being female’ was a requirement but ‘this post is open to self-identifying women’ /2
Jan 14 11 tweets 4 min read
Today we have published the first ever report on the impact of trans inclusion in sport in the UK.
It shows a widespread problem, affecting many women and girls all over the country, at all levels, from juniors to masters and at all levels of competition and participation. 1/11 Image Women and girls are being put at risk and their legitimate concerns disregarded.

They’ve been intimidated and silenced. This report gives them a voice. 2/11
Sep 21, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
Despite clear law to the contrary, female police officers are required to perform intimate searches on men - if that man says he identifies as a woman /1 The law says SAME SEX ONLY but the Statutory Code prioritises GENDER IDENTITY. This is yet another example of bad guidance corrupting policy contrary to the law /2
Sep 13, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
BREAKING NEWS: Schools told they must record the SEX of all pupils in England /1

Image Every term schools in England must submit data to the DfE. This is known as the School Census. The DfE determines what data is required by law.

In recent years, sex data had been replaced by "self-declared" gender /2 Image
Jan 29, 2023 11 tweets 2 min read
Yesterday we received an email from a woman who had checked the meaning of a “woman-only” fitness class at her local gym. With permission, we’re sharing the story verbatim. Well done that woman 💪… /1 “Warrington's major sports centre is run by a company called LiveWire. They are widely publicising "women only fitness classes", saying how "empowering" these will be because they are "women only"…. /2

Jan 28, 2023 14 tweets 4 min read

Fair Play For Women has been lobbying the U.K. Press Regulator @IpsoNews to update its transgender reporting guidance for over 2 years /1

fairplayforwomen.com/ipso-failing-w… We have had multiple meetings with the chair, head of complaints and the head of standards and regulation. In 2020 the head of IPSO promised updated guidance was on the way /2

Jan 27, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
48K people over 16 identified as "transwoman" in the 2021 Census for England and Wales.

Of those a whopping 32K (2/3rds) said their sex was FEMALE /1

ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulati… Image Following our successful court challenge the judge forced the ONS to amend its guidance accompanying the question "What is your sex?"

Guidance confirmed "sex" means "sex as
recorded on a birth certificate or Gender Recognition Certificate" /2

Dec 10, 2022 11 tweets 5 min read
THREAD: Supporters of the Scottish GRR bill are now spinning a crazy narrative to push the UK government into accepting self-ID south of the border. They are trying to impose their bad law not just on Scottish women, but on women in England and Wales too. /1 For a Scottish GRC to be recognised outside Scotland, the UK Government will have to agree. @RishiSunak and @KemiBadenoch must say NO otherwise they are giving away enhanced rights to prisoners and school children to access female only spaces /2
Dec 9, 2022 10 tweets 5 min read
1. of 10. If you thought @BritishRowing policy was bad, have a look at @usrowing usrowing.org/documents/2022… 2. You pick your "gender" at the start of the season, and you're done. No more fair racing for females then, because any male can declare themselves a woman and race in women's and girls' events.
Nov 5, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Mark Coles @BBCRadio4 profiled Women and Equalities Minister @KemiBadenoch tonight. Disappointingly inaccurate /1

bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/m0… Mark Coles interviewed disgraced ex-BBC LGBT correspondant Ben Hunte telling listeners Kemi is anti-trans. Also claimed she has stopped the CT bill without giving listeners any context about potential harms. /2
Oct 27, 2022 21 tweets 7 min read
Scottish committee convenor @JoeFitzSNP won’t give way to questions about the work of the @SP_EHRCJ and it’s approval of the #scottishGRRbill /1 MSP Rachel Hamilton repeats question about whether a GRC changes sex for purposes of the Equality act. A question put by @murdo_fraser but not answered by minister @ShonaRobison /2
Oct 5, 2022 11 tweets 4 min read
Breaking news: @EHRC raises the alarm about Scottish plans to reform the GRA /1

equalityhumanrights.com/en/our-work/ne… @EHRC confirms that sex-based rights will be impacted

We and others have argued the same @mbmpolicy @ForWomenScot

“The operation of other provisions relating to sex discrimination across Great Britain.. WILL be affected by the proposed changes to the law in Scotland.” /2
Aug 10, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Irish Rugby falls into line with its International Federation's transgender policy

"contact rugby for players in the female category is limited to those whose sex was recorded as female at birth" /1 "In the male category, players whose sex is recorded at birth as female may continue to play if they provide written consent and a risk assessment is carried out" /2
Aug 10, 2022 24 tweets 9 min read
THREAD: Summary of the law on single-sex spaces by Attorney General @SuellaBraverman

"Both public and private bodies are struggling to understand their obligations. My aim today is to provide clarity on the law". /1

gov.uk/government/spe… @SuellaBraverman "...it follows that it is not possible to admit a biological male to a single-sex service for women without destroying its intrinsic nature as such: once there are XY chromosome adults using it, however they define themselves personally, it becomes mixed-sex. " /2
Aug 10, 2022 23 tweets 4 min read
LIVE THREAD: Announcement by Attorney General on how schools on the legal responsibilities of schools relating to transgender issue /1

"How do we balance the rights of minorities with the rights of majorities. Or the rights between minorities?" /2
Aug 10, 2022 7 tweets 3 min read
THREAD: The Attorney General for England and Wales is about to make an important statement on the legal responsibilities of schools relating to transgender issues /1 This is a significant intervention. The Attorney General @SuellaBraverman is the Government’s top legal adviser and oversees the Government Legal Department. She will be making statements about the existing law - as it is now - regarding sex and gender reassignment /2
Aug 10, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
At 12.30 today the Attorney General @SuellaBraverman will set out the government’s legal advice on how schools should deal with gender distressed children.

This is a strong and significant intervention from the highest level /1

telegraph.co.uk/politics/2022/… No changing names and pronouns behind parents backs /2

“teachers who allow students to “socially transition” to the opposite gender without their parents’ consent could be in breach of their duty of care to the child and open themselves up to a negligence claim”
Jul 17, 2022 8 tweets 4 min read
On Tuesday last week @pennymordaunt dropped the bombshell live on air that she had “never supported self-ID.” Read her exact words for yourself here 👇/1

fairplayforwomen.com/penny-mordaunt… The Director of Fair Play For Women asked about her record and whether she’d make sex self-ID law if she became PM. She denied she’d ever wanted self-ID - but did not rule it out.

“what you’ve said, Nicola, is not a reflection of my position at any time” /2
Jul 16, 2022 11 tweets 4 min read
This is the smoking gun proving @pennymorduant wanted the diagnosis of gender dysphoria stripped from the GRC process /1

thetimes.co.uk/article/leaked… This is what “self-ID” means. We should know because @fairplaywomen was the main group campaigning on the streets against self-ID in 2018. The diagnosis of gender dysphoria has been the battle ground. /2
Jul 12, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read
Pull the other one @PennyMordaunt. We heard you say this:

“trans women are women and trans men are men. That is the starting point for the GRA consultation, and it will be its finishing point too” /1

fairplayforwomen.com/penny-mordaunt… @PennyMordaunt She also claimed she was the one who first wanted "pregnant people" replaced with "mother"

"I suggested to the drafters that they put those words in and they wanted to actually wait for amendments from the Lords because they like to do that with concessions to the Lords. /2