Dr. James Benedict Brown Profile picture
Associate Professor of Architecture @UmeaUniversitet. Lives in the northern Swedish forest with @Typey_Type. Brexile. Header: @clickclickjim

Jun 21, 2021, 14 tweets


We’ve got movement.

Background: this timber-framed house is being moved 10km from Teg in Umeå to the village of Degernäs. The land it’s stood on for the last 106 years will be redeveloped for apartments.

The time and date of the move was kept secret, and I was asked not to share it. It generally makes life easier for the workers if these moves aren’t publicised in advance. I’m told they’ve moved more than 400 houses without a problem.

Normal for Norrland.

“So what did you do on the longest day of the year?”
“I stood beside the E4 with a camera.”

Undercover as a plane spotter.

Onto the old E4, towards Avion.

Passing Avion.

Wrong side of E4 towards the airport.

Onto the E4.

F—-in’ caravans.

Approaching the airport junction.

Off the E4 at the airport, and onto the E12 towards Holmsund. It’s a straight shot from here to Degernäs, the new home for this house. I leave the convoy at this point. Thanks for watching. Off home before sunset (23:14). /end

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