Joe F Spaulding 🦉 Profile picture
petitionin' ain't easy, don't be sleazy | helped launch @distillsocial and @notpoliticians | political consultant 🇺🇸 he/him/his 🇲🇽 |

Jun 22, 2021, 18 tweets

These anti-CRT, anti-mask weirdos went absolutely nuclear because they weren't allowed to speak twice during public comment at the Grand Ledge Public Schools board meeting.

"If you're going to follow Robert's rules, you have to follow all of Robert's rules!" He shouted from the audience without being recognized.

I've got so much of this on film. And there is so much more. This was just the first one I grabbed to tease Twitter with.

Don't get me wrong, the majority of the comments tonight were positive and defended teachers from accusations of them being the collective reincarnation of Joseph Stalin, but they were absolutely interrupted frequently by the typhoid brigade.

And we should be clear, the majority of the blowhards are out of town astroturfers. This guy lives almost a hundred miles away from the district.

He did the thing where he tried to be polite and racist at the same time. Welcome to Michigan.

It was a literal roller coaster with testimony from some of the best teachers you will ever get to listen to interlaced with some of the worst racist and anti-science advocacy you'll ever hear.

This journalism teacher deserves every single award ever.

This is my best friend Ben speaking and getting heckled and handling it like a demigod.

Guy shouts out that "we live in a republic!" and "stop telling our kids that we live in a democracy!".

Without a beat, Ben goes, "I'm not here about your children, sir."

I love him so much.

Apparently this guy was there recording it for his YouTube channel which has exactly zero views now. I might rip the video and share it here, but I'm not sending people to his channel with 354 followers.

Probably not though, his videos suck as bad as his attitude.

Here's Adam, the guy with no cool from the first video in this thread, harassing people just prior to the meeting.

He divides his self-awareness by a very racist zero at the end of this one, screaming at a Black man that he is powerless.

All of this is happening in a district with a serious & well-known history of some horrifying racism. This history was unpacked over 7 hours of public comment at a school board meeting in Grand Ledge last year.

You can see key points from that meeting at:

Oh, what the hell, here's one more Chernobyl.
* Captain high fade calls every parent that disagrees with his racism a Marxist
* Adam gets in a "no, you shut up" spat with a fellow anti masker
* Fake redhead lady almost forgets Dr King's name while invoking him poorly

Hey look, it's the former sheriff of the county enticing people to show up to do racisms at the meeting on Facebook.

@LSJNews you should get a quote.

The local news coverage of the meeting was so horrible. If people don't see this on social media, they won't have any idea what happened.

Found the lady that was ranting in the first video on Facebook. Both her accounts. She's definitely posting straight up Q Anon garbage, and more disturbingly, encouraging people to be viciously disruptive at school board meetings specifically.

Thanks, @MichiganTea

Want to see a lady at a school board meeting say #BlackLivesMatter was started by a coven of Marxist witches?

The story in the @LSJNews is spot on. Great work here (like usual), @krystalrnurse!…

Another one. This guy admits he's a fascism tourist, and he gets really mad at a train at the end, which is ironic to anyone who never believed that lie about Mussolini. Totally unhinged. He's from about 40 miles away.

Here is a trailer for the documentary I put together about the meeting to fire Grand Ledge's racist superintendent last summer. You can watch or download the entire 36 min movie for free at It really puts the #FascismTourists invasion into perspective.

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