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Jun 22, 2021, 6 tweets

Missed information: Gaps in online research with @AlyssaKann, @lageneralista, @dann_acosta, @LouMarieHSD, @yoyoel, and Joanna Rohozińska. #360OS…

What we consume online can be just as impactful as the things we experience IRL. @dann_acosta says it ”can affect researchers’ mental health. We see terrible content in the darkest corners of the Internet, and that also has an effect on the people doing this research.” #360OS

"There's a lack of research standards. There are no universal standards for how investigations are conducted and much of the investigative work happens outside the peer-review process." #360OS

@lageneralista explains how this affects our understanding of data.

In an effort to combat inauthentic campaigns, @Twitter has worked to make their data publicly available for #OSINT use, comments the Head of Site Integrity for Twitter @yoyoel:

“We're not just talking about the platform itself. We're talking about being able to trace and understand trends that transcend different platforms, and sometimes they're not even specific to a particular platform.”


Why do people believe disinfo? @JRohozinska says, "Very often, the answer is that fissures in society are exacerbated by this kind of disinformation. But the fix to it is actually really quite complicated and long term and has nothing to do with the digital world.” #360OS

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