Alex Lieberman Profile picture
Cofounder @morningbrew. Cofounder, @storyarb. Host of 60 Second Startup & Founder's Journal.

Jun 22, 2021, 9 tweets

Most people f*ck up meetings.

We spend ~12 hours/wk in them.

We spend 3 years of our career in them.

Yet we don't do anything to make meetings better.

Here are 6 ways to fix them today ๐Ÿงต

Meetings are a last resort, not a first option.

There's a HUGE opportunity cost.

A one-hour meeting with five people isn't a one-hour meeting.

It's a five-hour meeting in terms of cost.

Understand the opportunity cost of every meeting you call.

Cut all meetings by 33% when scheduling.

I hate when a meeting goes the full time because that's what the calendar says.

If a meeting is 30 minutes, schedule for 20.
If a meeting is 60 minutes, schedule for 40.

It forces you to stay on track & respect everyone's time.

Every meeting should have a plan.

People just expect meetings to go well.

When else in life would you expect results without a plan or expectations?

You wouldn't.

Everyone should enter a meeting knowing:
- the agenda
- the purpose
- the desired outcome

99% of meetings shouldn't be meetings.

- Meetings are not for catch-ups
- Meetings are not for initial brainstorms
- Meetings are not for status updates

Meetings are for 3-5 people to make an important decision that has cross-organizational impact.

Iterate on meetings.

We assume meetings are great and they improve over time.

That's like launching a product then going on autopilot.

No measuring engagement.
No soliciting feedback.
No making thoughtful changes.

A meeting is a product & attendees are your customers.

Meetings must be preserved.

Meetings are ephemeral & must be memorialized for people not in attendance.

Every meeting should have minutes that outline:
- Who attended
- The agenda
- The outcomes
- Next steps

Tag someone who appreciates the value of a kick-ass meeting below ๐Ÿ‘‡.

And if there are any other rules for kick-ass meetings that I'm missing, reply below ๐Ÿ‘‡

If you enjoyed this thread & want more on startups & career, follow me on Twitter: @businessbarista

If you want my deep dive into each of the 6 meeting rules above, check out my podcast episode:

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