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I'm a health journalist at the Montreal Gazette. You can also find me on Mastodon at https://t.co/bN8cuUa6ID and Telegram at https://t.co/FQuHM9YNSZ. Here's my bio: ↓

Jun 23, 2021, 8 tweets

1) Quebec on Tuesday fell from first to second place in its #COVID19 vaccination rate among provinces, ceding the coveted spot to British Columbia. This reflects the fact that Quebec has been struggling to encourage younger adults to go get their shots.

2) On Tuesday, Quebec Premier François Legault again suggested a vaccine lottery for those who have been immunized fully, but there are other incentives that might be more effective, like giving workers a paid time off to get their shots, as other provinces are doing.

3) As things now stand, at least 17.79% of Quebec’s population has been fully immunized and 70.3% partially. At the current rate of 600,000 vaccination a week, it would probably take another nine weeks to fully vaccinate most of the province’s population.

4) Meanwhile, amid very low #COVID19 testing, Montreal on Tuesday posted 25 #COVID19 cases. On the corresponding date last year, the city reported 15 infections. The city’s seven-day rolling average stood at 2.13 cases per 100,000 residents. Please review the chart below.

5) Hospitalizations due to #COVID19 continued to fall across Quebec, not only easing pressure on the acute-care system but allowing nurses to go on well-deserved vacations. In Montreal, there were 78 such hospitalizations, down by three from the day before.

6) Outbreaks also fell across the province. The tally stood at 143, down by 13. Most of the decreases were observed in schools (down by nine to 49) and the workplace (down by four to 54). But there were modest increases in daycares and health-care institutions. Please see below.

7) On the eve of the last day of school, Quebec’s education ministry reported a total of 425 #COVID19 cases among students and staff across the province, down by 54. There were 21 fewer classrooms shuttered and two fewer schools closed temporarily.

8) Although Quebec’s public health institute did not declare any super contagious Delta variant cases on Tuesday, Montreal’s top health official nonetheless expressed concern. “The thing that is really worrying us is the Delta variant,” Dr. Mylène Drouin warned. End of thread.

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