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👩🏻 Certified trainer @TRF, @bbcmediaaction, @soljourno 🚀 Incoming @walkleys 2023 - journalism programs & education 📌 Mastodon:

Jun 23, 2021, 5 tweets

Watching the launch of the report live right now with @rasmus_kleis. #dnr2021 #DNR21

Interesting to see trust issues with politicians are more than twice as poor as with journalists. Also - willingness to pay for news STILL causally linked to TRUST. Big blockage to payment: wide availability of news for free. #journbiz #dnr2021

Respondents to the #DNR21 report say they want news to be factual, and to present a breadth of views rather than be partisan. Under-35 audiences want outlets to take a stand on specific issues, though, like climate change, says @nicnewman.

Also worth outlets getting on TikTok to share news, says @nicnewman. A growing number of young people are on the app, and a proportion of those users are looking for news. [I wrote about this in Jan 2020 including how to use the app for journalism…] #DNR21

OMG well done
for having the opposite of a manel to discuss this year's #DNR21

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