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4 people sharing their research: 🕵🏻‍♀️🕵🏻‍♀️🕵🏻‍♀️🕵🏻‍♀️⁣ & Advocating for #FreeBritney until it's BRITNEY IS FREE!

Jun 23, 2021, 46 tweets

Some of our thoughts regarding the new New York Times article from yesterday. 

#FreeBritney #BritneySpeaks #EndTheConservatorship

In our opinion, it was a smooth-running money machine for Team Con, nothing else.

Britneys mental health was simply used as another "reason" to warrant the conservatorship. All this was ever about was the money. 💰

#FreeBritney #BritneySpeaks #EndTheConservatorship

Britney has less freedom than a murderer in prison. It's a human right to choose your partner. This is a human and disability rights violation. Nothing else.

#FreeBritney #BritneySpeaks #EndTheConservatorship

It's shocking that when a conservatee says the conservatorship is an "oppressive and controlling tool against her" her statement seems to be totally ignored.

This statement should have been alarming to the court investigator. 

#FreeBritney #BritneySpeaks #EndTheConservatorship

This is exploitation at best (& should have been another red flag to the court investigator). How can she be so ill that she needs a conservator but then work that much? Make it make sense!

#FreeBritney #BritneySpeaks #EndTheConservatorship

One of the many recurring statements is that Britney is afraid of her father. The c-ship is supposed to be in the best interest of the conservatee. So WHY is her father - she's scared of - in charge of EVERY aspect of her life? 

#FreeBritney #BritneySpeaks #EndTheConservatorship

We love the fact that Vivian is usually happy to do her media press tours but this time declined to comment. 

#FreeBritney #BritneySpeaks #EndTheConservatorship

Vivian also has been clearly caught in a lie (again) as this article proves Britney has been trying to fight this behind closed doors. Also Jamie was allegedly barely in Britneys life before the conservatorship. 🤷🏻‍♀️

#FreeBritney #BritneySpeaks #EndTheConservatorship

This is not love. This is abusive control - nothing else. 

#FreeBritney #BritneySpeaks #EndTheConservatorship

We already knew this. Britney should have access to all of her money, not a weekly allowance that is half of what her father makes off of her.

It's also doubtful that Britney is even allowed to spend her allowance freely.

#FreeBritney #BritneySpeaks #EndTheConservatorship

This is again a rather big red flag that Britney is not safe under the conservatorship / control of her father.

This is neither in her best interest nor good for her mental health. At the very least James should have been removed instantly. 

#FreeBritney #BritneySpeaks

The fact that the first thing they list - why the c-ship is in her best interest - is because of "her complex finances".

Not her mental health, only her money. For which she can hire financial advisors herself without a conservatorship. 

#FreeBritney #BritneySpeaks

Britney never wanted this. She never wanted her controlling, abusive and alcoholic father to be in charge.

How is alleged drug abuse a reason for a conservatorship but nothing that stops you from becoming a conservator??

#FreeBritney #BritneySpeaks #EndTheConservatorship

Nothing else to say. Exactly what the #FreeBritney movement has been saying since forever.

This is all about control and the money. 

#FreeBritney #BritneySpeaks #EndTheConservatorship

Jamie found his golden ticket with Britney. And this quote from the football coach is giving us Vivian quote vibes 🤮. 

#FreeBritney #BritneySpeaks #EndTheConservatorship

Lynne also feared Jamie. Lynne wrote in her book how abusive James always has been.

Why are such patterns not relevant for the Court? Shouldn't that exclude Jamie from being a conservator? 

#FreeBritney #BritneySpeaks #EndTheConservatorship

Britney has always been the breadwinner of the family. How bad must it have been for a daughter to celebrate the divorce of her parents?

#FreeBritney #BritneySpeaks #EndTheConservatorship

Nothing new here besides the reminder that James wasn't punished with a conservatorship for his struggles. But he was never rich and successful. 

Also he wasn't really present in Britneys life but somehow he was the perfect choice as a conservator?! 

#FreeBritney #BritneySpeaks

We love to see LMTs involvement being pointed out here. James didn’t plan the conservatorship by himself. 

#FreeBritney #BritneySpeaks #EndTheConservatorship

Since Day 1 Britney never wanted Jamie in control. Judge Reva Goetz needs to be investigated for all of the wrong doing she has done in this case, and we are sure in other cases. 

#FreeBritney #BritneySpeaks #EndTheConservatorship

We'd love to know what made Judge Goetz come to this conclusion. We strongly disagree.

Not only did Britney not want him in control of her life, Jamie also doesn't seem qualified - in our opinion - to manage someones life or business. 

#FreeBritney #BritneySpeaks

This is so well worded, we don't have much else to add.

Britney worked on countless projects since 2008. Pretty good for someone deemed to have no capacity and in need of a conservatorship. 

#FreeBritney #BritneySpeaks #EndTheConservatorship

This was always about money, never about a father loving + taking care of his daughter.

Jamie taking home $16,000-$18,000 a month while Britneys allowance is half of her father’s salary, yet she’s the one working like "a racehorse".

#FreeBritney #BritneySpeaks

We don´t think Mr. Spears was feeling any conflict. His priorities have always been clear. And in our opinion that sadly wasn’t Britneys well being. 

#FreeBritney #BritneySpeaks #EndTheConservatorship

Didn't Jamie hand in a declaration that he was sober?! Britney couldn’t drink, but her father could? (See next post)

#FreeBritney #BritneySpeaks #EndTheConservatorship

This makes us feel sick, but glad this is brought to the public light. There was also a post from @MeanerThree in connection to this. 

#FreeBritney #BritneySpeaks #EndTheConservatorship

Britney is subjected to tests - more than weekly - but James isn’t?

It’s not inappropriate to request the person in control to be subjected to testing to confirm they aren’t under the influence and can make sound decisions. 

#FreeBritney #BritneySpeaks #EndTheConservatorship

While this comment is absolutely disgusting it also shows a lack of neutrality from the judge towards Britney, to put it lightly.

We were - and still are - disgusted when reading this statement. 

#FreeBritney #BritneySpeaks #EndTheConservatorship

We agree wholeheartedly. This conservatorship should have been terminated then.

Who remembers Vivian saying Britney can terminate but never wanted to basically?! 

#FreeBritney #BritneySpeaks #EndTheConservatorship

Somehow Britney always passed every test and obstacle, but was never rewarded. Or should we say the other side never honored their "agreement".

#FreeBritney #BritneySpeaks #EndTheConservatorship

Her boyfriend in 2014 was David Lucado. He seemed to have been a good influence.

It's questionable though that Britneys own feelings are getting interpreted as coming from, or are influenced by, someone else than by herself. 

#FreeBritney #BritneySpeaks #EndTheConservatorship

If she can work that much, she should be able to spend her money and live her life as she likes.

#FreeBritney #BritneySpeaks #EndTheConservatorship

Why can't she even spend her allowance?

What's the use of an allowance if you can't spend it how you wish to? Yet again, prisoners seem to have more rights. 

#FreeBritney #BritneySpeaks #EndTheConservatorship

$890K for Vivian and co is ok (and "reasonable") but changing something Britney sees daily - like her kitchen cabinets - is too costly? The hypocrisy …

#FreeBritney #BritneySpeaks #EndTheConservatorship

”Special” but not good. Do we know for a fact that James colon was ruptured? Or was this just stated to get out of the contract without having to pay millions for breaking it? Allegedly of course. 

#FreeBritney #BritneySpeaks #EndTheConservatorship

Is any objection by her and Britney standing up for herself treated like that? How much did she have to suffer?!

Again this is another major red flag.

#FreeBritney #BritneySpeaks #EndTheConservatorship

This is disgusting. Nothing else. Forced to perform while sick, yet the conservatorship is supposed to be in place to protect her.

This is not protection. This put Britney in actual danger. 

#FreeBritney #BritneySpeaks #EndTheConservatorship

We'd love to see the full transcript and we agree with Britney.

This is a “hybrid business model” or better an exploitation model, or human trafficking model, not a care-taking one.

#FreeBritney #BritneySpeaks #EndTheConservatorship

The Judge does not seem to mind the fact that James is again & again abusive. This should - again - have been a point where Jamie should have been removed completely. 

#FreeBritney #BritneySpeaks #EndTheConservatorship

We believe Britney had to make it public to finally have a chance to fight this unjust conservatorship.

Obviously she fought privately but was ignored. So some public pressure seems to be much needed.

#FreeBritney #BritneySpeaks #EndTheConservatorship

We just wanted to remind you that new kitchen cabinets for Britney were considered too expensive. 

#FreeBritney #BritneySpeaks #EndTheConservatorship

Nothing more to say here … besides how disgusting it is to say this about anyone, especially your own daughter you claim to love. 

#FreeBritney #BritneySpeaks #EndTheConservatorship

Sadly it seems that a conservator can do anything without consequences.

#FreeBritney #BritneySpeaks #EndTheConservatorship

Why is he living in an RV? He got thousands of $ as Britneys conservator. Did he spend it all?

#FreeBritney #BritneySpeaks #EndTheConservatorship

Sidenote to TMZ: Well what sources would say the exact opposite of what Britney said in court? Pretty easy to guess who that would be.

Also 99%? So not being able to change the kitchen cabinets must have been the 1%? 🤨

#FreeBritney #BritneySpeaks #EndTheConservatorship

But the article makes us somewhat hopeful for the hearing where #BritneySpeaks.

Britney has been speaking out against the conservatorship for years even in court. The public, the judge, lawyers and the court investigator just need to finally listen. 


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