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A boring person who likes stuff. This year’s themes: Dragon Ball, Kinnikuman, Avan

Jun 23, 2021, 11 tweets

Age 760 to 770: after decades of work, Doctor Mu completes Planet M2, home base for his Machine Mutants as they gather energy for Baby. Mu converts an alien named Rild into a Machine Mutant linked to M2 itself, thus making him stronger than Buu (well, one of them) #HistoryofEver

Rild’s connection to M2 is explained in GT, but it’s only in the GT Perfect File Vol.1 that we learn he started out as an ordinary alien before Mu restructured him into a Machine Mutant (similar to Gero’s later treatment of Lapis and Lazuli).

Around 759~760: Goku gets interviewed by Weekly Jump! Or so says the Daizenshuu 7 timeline. Jump’s done “interviews” with the cast of Yu Yu Hakusho and The Adventure of Dai, so I assume the daizenshuu is referencing a similar feature for DB…but I’ve been unable to find it yet.

Somewhat on that note…in the manga Goku remains anonymous after defeating Piccolo, with Bulma only vaguely reporting that a champion of justice has prevailed. Three years later on the tournament, even Chi Chi is surprised to learn Goku’s the one who saved the world.

In the anime though, Goku becomes a big celebrity (not that he cares or even notices). This obviously creates a bit of a plot hole when the Cell Games come around, since Goku and co.’s anonymity becomes a bit of a plot point.

On the other hand, before the Cell Games the narrator says the world has “forgotten” the boy who defeated Piccolo, so maybe the anime version can be reconciled by saying his 15 minutes of fame faded fast (especially if he’s gone from the Earth’s surface for three years).

(Viz messes this up by also describing people as having “forgotten” Goku’s efforts against the Saiyans and Freeza, when in Japanese it says they simply never knew about it. And for the record, the TV crews filming Nappa/Vegeta were filler too)

Also around 759 and 760: Trunks and Goten’s future opponents Idasa and Ikose are born. Their ages are given as 15 and 14 during the 25th TB in 774 (“Idasa” is an anagram of dasai/“lame”, hence the Viz name “Laem”).

Backing up a bit…sometime soon after the 23rd TB in 756, Lunch leaves Kame House and goes chasing after Tenshinhan…never to be seen again (except for a couple of other things, but I’ll get to those later).

Toriyama is on record saying he simply forgot about Lunch and came up with the “chasing after Tenshinhan” thing as an excuse, although this seems chronologically questionable. Perhaps Toriyama’s memory is better than he gives himself credit for!…

Tomorrow: the three amigos!

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