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Jun 23, 2021, 6 tweets

#360OS is LIVE - Fighting online extremism in the future w/ @NicholasRasmu15, @georgetownICAP's Mary McCord, @amyspitanick, @RachelMGillum, moderator @grahambrookie…

"There's no one brand of extremism that stops at the borders of any country. There are just different ideologies that are shared, in many cases globally." #360OS

👤|Mary McCord, @georgetownICAP

What are the markers on the path from radicalization to violence in both the international & domestic terrorism spheres?

An indicator for @georgetownICAP's Mary McCord is that once general ideological propaganda changes into logistical planning, the threat escalates. #360OS

"Research shows that a lot of extreme content on social media actually involves a fairly small number, but frequent users who are responsible for this content so it can often seem much more widespread than it really is and have a large impact." #360OS


“Toxic ideas can accelerate bounce off of each other and accelerate even further and faster…How we deal with that virality and that acceleration is probably one of our biggest challenges.” #360OS


"When a leading neo-Nazi tells you #deplatforming has impacted his ability to plan violent events as we saw in Charlottesville, that's meaningful, that's impactful." #360OS


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