Delaney King Profile picture
Character/tech artist (Dragonage, Where The Wild Things Are, Unreal 04, Civ IV, D&D Online, God of War:CoO, Stellaris ++) Writer. Minis. Intersex. (SHE/HER)

Jun 24, 2021, 10 tweets

A fundamental problem with mathematics is that it hides beautiful poetry behind an ugly wall of pretentious language and cryptic shorthand, and guards its gates with its most desiccated corpses dressed as teachers.

I hated maths because of the ugly encounters I was forced to endure through my formative years. Abusing, arrogant teachers, walls of arcane symbols and nobody to explain them, the problems impractical, more a punishment than a power.

That isn't what maths actually is.

This is how it is sold to us...

But this is what it is

And this

Its this...

This is how we are given maths

Maths can take us to a fun, and magical place.

Maths education is thankfully changing... but I want us to do more to dissolve down the barriers left by previous generations and build a language that is far more human and engaging.

I didn't learn to love maths until I started working with video game shaders years ago. Suddenly, those numbers and operations exploded into full color on my screen. Things warped, scaled, offset, danced to sine waves.

Maths became real to me. I finally got to see the magic

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