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Jun 24, 2021, 8 tweets

On the last day of Virtual Congress we have our wonderful talk on "Speaking the Unspoken - Culture, Trauma and Perinatal Psychopathology." Here is an outline of what will be covered in the discussion #RCPsychIC

Our speakers today are Dr Regi Alexander @regalexa the Associate Dean for Advanced Learning and Prof Prabha Chandra @globalpmh the Professor of Psychiatry at the National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences #RCPsychIC

Prof Prabha Chandra @globalpmh discusses the effect of historical child abuse on mothers, a pattern that is seen globally. @globalpmh also draws attention to the fact women fear their own child may experience the same abuse #RCPsychIC

Discussing marriages in rural areas of India which can happen at a young age, Prof Prabha Chandra @globalpmh discusses the gender discrimination and trauma certain case studies have experienced #RCPsychIC

How does trauma manifest? It manifests based on cultural scripts of that country or specific area, these cultural scripts show how trauma manifests in a clinical setting as well @globalpmh #RCPsychIC

@globalpmh Prof Prabha Chandra @globalpmh addresses different types of trauma in the perinatal period which can be historical, relational, social, cultural and systemic #RCPsychIC

What kind of trauma can young women face in areas of India? Rejection for arranged marriages, dowry disputes, forced marriage and separation from primary care-givers are among the types of trauma @globalpmh brings our attention to #RCPsychIC

Always talk about the cultural issues surrounding motherhood, do not assume that because a woman has transitioned from one culture to another, that she has left her previous culture behind. An incredible discussion from @globalpmh #RCPsychIC

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