The Hoarse Whisperer Profile picture
*I didn’t pay for that damn checkmark* “A Twitter rando” - Rolling Stone mag. Possible CIA operative according to OAN. Writer. Photographer. Father.

Jun 24, 2021, 7 tweets

Johnny Podcast is back. Pulled in at 6:40 with windows down and some droning podcast playing loud enough for me to hear every word.

Okay, let’s go. It’s on.

If we’re going to listen to each other’s radios, I’m opening with Meat Loaf’s classic “Bat Out of Hell.”

Johnny Podcast is dug in. This is going to take higher firepower.

The heavy artillery. That can mean only one thing:

Sisqo - “Thong Song”

Lace up and Bass up. It’s game time.

DJ Hoarse just crossfaded into Public Enemy’s “Bring Tha Noize” - the high octane duet with Anthrax.

This version just kicks. Now I don’t even care if he turns down his podcast.

This is psychological warfare. The key is to maximize the distraction value.

Let’s go Broadway. I smell a sing-a-long coming.

🎶 Five hundred twenty five thousand six hundred minutes… 🎵

I got so caught up measuring a year in daylights, in sunsets, in midnights, in cups of coffee, I didn’t even notice Johnny Podcast fleeing the battlefield.

I’m almost sad now. I was about to roll right into the Gourds’ timeless bluegrass cover of Snoop Dogg’s “Gin and Juice.”

Oh, what the hell. I’m in the mood.

Anyway, we now return to our originally scheduled programming:

The full cast ensemble from the timeless classic, Nature, playing a little sunrise improv.

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