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Jun 24, 2021, 10 tweets

THREAD: New YouGov data shows how long Britons think couples should wait to hit nine relationship milestones 👇…

1. How long should couples wait before...having sex

A week or less: 17%
2 weeks: 12%
A month: 22%
3 months: 11%
6 months: 5%
9 months: 1%
A year: 2%
2+ years: 2%
Need to be married: 4%…

2. How long should you have been together before...saying 'I love you'

A week or less: 4%
2 weeks: 4%
A month: 15%
3 months: 21%
6 months: 16%
9 months: 4%
A year: 4%
2+ years: 2%
Need to be married: 2%…

3. How long should couples wait before...meeting potential in-laws

A week or less: 2%
2 weeks: 3%
A month: 16%
3 months: 25%
6 months: 19%
9 months: 4%
A year: 5%
2+ years: 2%
Need to be married: 2%…

4. How long should couples wait before... going on holiday together

A week or less: 1%
2 weeks: 2%
A month: 11%
3 months: 21%
6 months: 24%
9 months: 5%
A year: 9%
2+ years: 2%
Need to be married: 3%…

5. How long should couples wait before... moving in together

A week or less: 0%
2 weeks: 1%
A month: 2%
3 months: 5%
6 months: 13%
9 months: 8%
A year: 29%
2 years: 11%
3 years: 3%
4 years: 1%
5+ years: 1%
Need to be married: 4%…

6. How long should couples wait before... getting engaged

A week or less: 0%
2 weeks: 0%
A month: 1%
3 months: 2%
6 months: 7%
9 months: 7%
A year: 23%
2 years: 17%
3 years: 8%
4 years: 3%
5+ years: 3%…

7. How long should couples wait before... buying a home

A week or less: 0%
2 weeks: 0%
A month: 0%
3 months: 1%
6 months: 2%
9 months: 2%
A year: 18%
2 years: 23%
3 years: 13%
4 years: 5%
5+ years: 7%
Need to be married: 5%…

8. How long should couples wait before... marriage

A week or less: 0%
2 weeks: 0%
A month: 1%
3 months: 1%
6 months: 1%
9 months: 2%
A year: 13%
2 years: 21%
3 years: 14%
4 years: 7%
5+ years: 10%…

9. How long should couples wait before... having a child

A week or less: 0%
2 weeks: 0%
A month: 1%
3 months: 1%
6 months: 1%
9 months: 2%
A year: 8%
2 years: 20%
3 years: 15%
4 years: 7%
5+ years: 13%
Need to be married: 6%…

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