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A boring person who likes stuff. This year’s themes: Dragon Ball, Kinnikuman, Avan

Jun 24, 2021, 10 tweets

Age 760 or so: from their base on Planet Freeza No.79, Freeza’s forces control at least 282% of all inhabited worlds. But they’re still expanding! The Saiyan trio of Vegeta, Nappa, and Raditz conquer Planet Shatts with overwhelming power (and no visual movement). #HistoryofEver

(This Tsufruian clearly thought he could escape the Saiyans by immigrating to Planet Shatts. How naive!)

Sadly, Freeza and his retinue are unmoved by the Saiyans’ hard work, and a tense stand-off ensues. Only the ever-impulsive Nappa dares break the stillness.

Outside, Nappa shares the latest conspiracy theory: it was Freeza who destroyed their home planet! Vegeta’s already heard all about it, while for Raditz this all clearly goes in one ear and out the other.

(Vegeta’s casual knowledge of the truth at this early date doesn’t quite seem to match his reaction when Dodoria tells him the news, but that’s filler for you. Anyway, I’d forgotten how long this flashback is. It’s like a quarter of DBZ ep.104!)

Eventually, the Saiyans find a planet that looks like it will fetch a good price, but it might be a bit tough for just the three of them. If only Sunchoke and Fiddlehead were still around! And Tarble is clearly worthless. But wait…didn’t Raditz have a younger brother too?

What planet is this anyway, with such a tough population? It’s tempting to speculate that it’s Namek, and that this is why Vegeta and Nappa are so knowledgeable about the place when they meet Piccolo. No? Alright, suit yourself.

And so, Raditz sets off to Earth to bring Kakarot back into the fold. It later takes Vegeta and Nappa a year to get to Earth (well, more like 11 months), although we don’t know if Raditz left from the same planet they did, so his trip might’ve been shorter (or even longer).

In fact, it’s a bit hard to believe it would take Vegeta and Nappa a whole year just to subjugate that planet we first find them on in the Saiyan arc (though maybe those guys are tougher and tastier than they look). Who knows what crazy hijinks they’ve been up to on their own?

Tomorrow: arrival!

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