J Malone. Profile picture
Advocate for Metis truth. #SangMele Acadian Mi'kmaw/Mom of 4/NannyJeri to 3 #ADHD #Metis #EasternMetis #ND #EcoFarming #WomenFarmers #SmallFarms

Jun 24, 2021, 19 tweets

Can someone help me out here with what Canada has included on their Indigenous page, while excluding other Metis peoples and giving billions to MNC. canada.ca/en/environment…

Alberta Canada, Métis Settlements - Significant Court Decisions - Powley. I do not see one word on Canada's page that represents the Metis from the Metis Settlements. Do these Metis not exist for Canada? @GovCanada Or are they trying to lead you down the road of only MNC

recognized by Canada Metis? Metis who own Oil and Gas rights and Canada can tell them what to do with them. How convenient for Canada and inconvenient for the other Metis who do not have oil and gas rights. MNC doesn't seem to have much respect for First Nation rights !!

Anyways back to the quaint little blurb about Canada's Metis, which only mentions the MNC who I did mention gets billions from the Canadian Government.

"is the national representative body for the Métis Nation" Wrong - Canada has 2 national organizations for Metis , Metis National Council for the MNC Metis and CAP for non MNC Metis, or have you forgotten? @GovCanada ? You do have an accord with them and they have a mandate !!

Convenient for Canada , why I think so !!/ A History of the Legislative Assembly of Assiniboia - Norma Hall PHD, Clifford P Hall and Erin Verrier.- census conducted in 1870 at Red River - individuals who were descended however remotely either by .....

Ewing commission definition of a Metis ...

Metis Settlement Act definition of a Metis person - who are let me remind you @GovCanada recognized Provincially and Federally.

I find it very odd that Canada accepts the Metis Settlement Act definition of Metis who are NOT MNC Metis, but lets MNC tell other provinces that they are not Metis and only chooses to recognize MNC's definition publicly when Metis Settlement Act Metis are very much Metis and

very not MNC Metis. / "The History of the Manitoba Metis Federation - Tony Lussier writing in 1978 states - Today a Metis is defined by the MMF as: One did not even need to be Indigenous to be Metis in 1978, just married to one or have a child to one and have full voting rights

in MMF./ "Documents and articles about Metis people 1972-Basis for some of the information used in the book The non-people, by Dave McKay- Membership in the Saskatchewan Metis Society 1937." Once again, one did not need to be Indigenous only married or have children with.

Now MNC has chosen to use this 2002 contemporary definition to be exclusionary as possible.

Montana oil and mining journal Great Falls, Mont.- 1940-11-02, p PAGE TWO - Louis Riel - His project was to gather the half-breeds from the United States and all the British provinces in North American and so build a nation. His dream seems a bit bigger and inclusive than MNC's.

The Kevin review. Kevin, Mont.October 14, 1926, Image 5 - Louis Riel-That Riel shrewdly avoided demands of a political character and deferred his project for a half-breed republic. Riel dreamed of a province with a half-breed republic - seems a long long ways from MNC's vision.

Back to what Canada chooses to recognize on their page, certain chosen Indigenous people .. not all of them .. "The Métis National Council (MNC) is the national representative body for the Métis Nation" is a national representative body the same as a public body? One MNC does not

represent anyone nationally, they only recognize 5 provinces and have a huge issue with one part of Ontario's Powley Metis. "The Métis National Council (MNC) is the national representative body for the Métis Nation" The courts have repeatedly said, this is McCargar Vs MNA that

MNC affiliates, those non profit societies who make up the collective of MNC are voluntary "private" bodies , whose bylaws only affect their own members. They are not a "PUBLIC" body, so how are they a national representative body for all of Metis peoples? When we already know

there are 2 national organizations with mandates to represent Metis peoples in Canada .. MNC and CAP.

the courts have told them that their non profit societies are not governmental nor sovereign. And that just using that language does not make it so, so why has Canada only chosen to recognize the MNC Metis people publicly? Pretty convenient for them huh?

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