J Malone. Profile picture
Advocate for Metis truth. #SangMele Acadian Mi'kmaw/Mom of 4/NannyJeri to 3 #ADHD #Metis #EasternMetis #ND #EcoFarming #WomenFarmers #SmallFarms

Jun 24, 2021, 9 tweets

Colonizers Being Colonizers: Lobster Fishing & the Continued Oppression of L’nu’k in Mi’kma’ki - Yellowhead Institute yellowheadinstitute.org/2021/03/30/col…

My uncle signed that treat in 1761, Francois Mius he was chief of La Have and this is what Bryson has to say to me and other French Mi'kmaw people who identify as Metis .. he is Mi'kmaw ..

Copy of the Brevet de Commission of the Indian Chief - Francois Miouce - Mikmak de Mirligueche en l'Acadie. That is the respect they give to their fellow kin.

francis muis -novascotia.ca- Francis Muis for myself the Tribe of La Heve Indians of what I am Chief, 1761 Treaty for La Heve, NS.

He is Mi'kmaw.

Race shifting frauds at it again - Jarvis Googoo. I am not race shifting .. I am Mi'kmaw I have 4 signatories in my family and I am getting real sick of this treatment ..

Them both doxing my disabled 11 yr old son,& lying about our genealogy. I get my Indigenous identity from my grandmother, who got it from her grandmother Evangeline Mius, whose father who was born before confederation and the Indian Act, was a direct male descendant back to the

brother of 2 signatories in 4 generations. military history of the Mi'kmaq-Queen Ann's War- renegade Joseph Mius reported that the Indians say the Lands are theirs and they can make war and peace when they please. Joseph was brothers to Mathew, signatory to the ratified 1725/26

and Francis Mius, signatory to the 1761 Treaty of La Have.

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