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Jun 25, 2021, 22 tweets

1. Xiao Ming sees the world says:
" I interviewed officials who know the details of the defected officials; there are two survivors; the virus comes from a biological & chemical weapon"

Hope someone can subtitle video in English to help evaluate her claims

2. Xiao Ming sees the world @ZoomingInSimone says:
I just interviewed Solomon Yu and Yu Huaisong, senior members of the National Committee of the Republican Party of the United States.

3. He revealed to me that a senior US official told him that the US DIA is now protecting and monitoring Dong Jingwei, a defecting CCP official. And tell me some news that hasn't been reported by the media so far.

English with subtitles:

4. "At the same time, it was reported in the US media today that an anonymous US official came out to clarify that the defection of senior officials of the Ministry of National Security of the Communist Party of China was not true."

5. "I couldn't independently verify the 2 statements, but because I interviewed Yu Huaisong, I decided to share what he told me. But because some of the information he told me was too sensitive & I couldn't verify it, I put that part of the interview on my membership website" 🤔

6. Hmmm, click bait?

which is not mass communication. You can see it by registering as my member. My membership website is

7. Simone "Zooming In China" has made some other interesting videos:
(Part 1) Coverup of the Century|how CCP covered up the COVID outbreak (30 minutes)

(Part 2) Coverup of the Century|how CCP covered up the COVID outbreak

8. Another interesting video by Simone Gao

Is Covid-19 the Result of an Out of Control Gain of Function Experiment Leaked from lab?

9. Back to the Solomon Yue Interview

According to Solomon Yue:

Dong did defect
Dong is not the only defector
Dong said more than one virus
Dong said they were part of a Weapons program

10. Solomon Yue Interview Transcript (1)

11. Solomon Yue Interview Transcript (2)

Click Bait Section

12. Solomon Yue Interview Transcript (3)

Mid-February Defection

13. Solomon Yue Interview Transcript (4)

Son of Biden Kompromat

90 Days Decision


14. Solomon Yue Interview Transcript (5)

DIA suspects other agencies

Biden DVD? 🤮

15. Solomon Yue Interview Transcript (6)

Several bioweapons programs

No PLA program at WIV, civilian projects?

Fauci is Dirt

American Traitors

16. Solomon Yue Interview Transcript (7)

"Did not say leaked or purposefully released, but part of bioweapons program"

"I think it is leaked by lab"

"Covid 19 is not the only one. There are others. Other bio weapons programs"

17. Solomon Yue Interview Transcript (8)

1/3 of Chinese students in US are spies???

US funded China bioweapons research (we know that)

Fauci is corrupt (we know that)

18. Solomon Yue Interview Transcript (9)

Two or more defectors

Defected around the same time

19. The Dong Affair continues to perplex!


20. VIDEO of Dong?
Zhao Kezhi Attends the 16th Meeting of the Secretaries of the Security Council of the SCO Member States
2021-06-23 22:52
Dong or Dong's Double at 13 -15 seconds…
and Dong listed (note date of article)…

21. Local Video of Event
Emomali Rahmon held a meeting with SCO Security Council Secretaries
Jun 23, 2021 Tajikistan News 24

16th meeting of the Secretaries of the Security Councils of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.

No Dong ;)

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