Amit Thadhani Profile picture
Surgeon, occasional musician, part time farmer, author - The Rationalist Murders. Views are strictly personal. Abusers will be blocked or replied to in kind.

Jun 25, 2021, 11 tweets

Just finished reading the 163-page Task Force Report. Did not want to post my opinion without reading it, and my considered view after reading it is that Delhi ka raja is the most pathetic scumbag ever to occupy the Delhi CM chair. Just one image should explain why.

This table sums up the reason for the dispute. Data given by Delhi govt added upto 1140MT, even though Delhi govt itself calculated it as 391-568MT. There was obviously some major mistake, as excess demand came from just four hospitals: Singhal, Aruna Asaf Ali, Liferay and ESIC.

This is the justification given by Delhi govt - that GOI calculation was an underestimate as it took only 50% of non-ICU beds as oxygen beds. I would probably agree with this point. But the supply was actually done as per the Delhi govt's estimate and not the GOI's.

The most damning part of the report is the presentation by @SumitaDawra & PESO. Delhi did not have enough storage capacity for its demanded quantity of oxygen that was being supplied, kept tankers waiting for hours till oxygen from nearly full tanks in hospitals was used up.

@SumitaDawra Several states complained about excessive allocation to Delhi compared to the case load. Haryana pointed out that they were handling patients from Delhi in NCR hospitals but still had less allocation than Delhi. UP and Rajasthan had almost thrice the number of cases as Delhi.

Delhi Govt's reply on record is yet another exercise in deception. Carefully evading the important storage issue, making counter-allegations on Goyal Gases who had complained about their tankers being kept waiting, denying any excess demand, denying state-wise discrepancy.

Principal Secretary of Delhi Govt Mr Bhalla claimed that Goyal Gases was making false allegations and that they had demanded schedule of delivery which was not being given. But this is also not true, as we shall see from the emails in the next tweet.

The emails of Goyal Gases complaining of their tankers being kept waiting for as much as 20 hours, are much before any mails sent for schedule or complaint raised by DDU Hospital.

Lastly, some portals have claimed that Mr Bhalla and Max Hospital's Dr Budhiraja refused to attend the meetings due to bias. But in reality, Dr Budhiraja refused to attend 18th May meeting as minutes of previous meeting were not circulated. He attended the next one on 21st May.

Summing it up: Delhi ka Raja govt:
Demanded more oxygen than it could handle, at expense of other states
Kept tankers waiting despite knowing desperate shortage of tankers
Played politics over supplies
Presided over massive oxygen diversion to black market instead of hospitals.

More information in this excellent thread on how the diversion of oxygen to the black market was pulled off.

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